# Configuration file format ```yaml --- catalog: - name: alpine tag: stable fetcher: html fetcher_config: url: https://alpinelinux.org/downloads/ xpath: '//div[@class="l-box"]/p/strong' links: - icon_class: 'fas fa-globe' name: 'Website' url: 'https://alpinelinux.org' version_constraint: allow_downgrade: false allow_prerelease: false type: semver check_interval: 1h ... ``` Each catalog entry contains a `name` and a `tag` representing the entry. You can choose those freely but they should be URL-safe. Some examples I'm using are: `alpine:stable`, `google-chrome:dev`, `google-chrome:stable`, `factorio:latest`, … Additionally you will configure a `fetcher` with its corresponding `fetcher_config` for the catalog entry. In the example above the `html` fetcher is used with two attributes configured. The attributes for each fetcher can be found below. You can provide your own `links` for each catalog entry which will be added to or override the links returned from the fetcher. If you provide the same `name` as the fetcher uses the link of the fetcher will be overridden. The `icon_class` should consist of `fas` or `fab` and an icon (for example `fa-globe`). You can use all **solid** (`fas`) or **breand** (`fab`) icons within [Font Awesome v5 Free](https://fontawesome.com/v5.15/icons?d=gallery&s=brands,solid&m=free). For the `version_constraint`s you must specify a `type` to parse the version returned by the fetcher (currently `semver` and `numeric_dot` (`104.0.5112.79`) are supported) and then can allow downgrades and pre-releases in the version. If no constraint is present, versions are neither parsed nor checked for downgrade / pre-release. If only the `type` is specified, downgrades and pre-releases are forbidden. ## Available Fetchers {% for module in modules -%} ## Fetcher: `{{ module.type }}` {{ module.description }} | Attribute | Req. | Type | Default Value | Description | | --------- | :--: | ---- | ------------- | ----------- | {%- for attr in module.attributes %} | `{{ attr.name }}` | {% if attr.required == 'required' %}✅{% endif %} | {{ attr.type }} | {% if attr.default != "" %}`{{ attr.default }}`{% endif %} | {{ attr.description }} | {%- endfor %} {% endfor %}