# Luzifer / gmail-manage This Google Apps-Script project contains two functionalities to automate your Gmail account: You can define: - Gmail queries which will be used to delete matching mails - Your Gmail filters in code, put them into a proper version management and let them get applied by a state-enforcer ## Setup - Create a `config.js` from the `config.sample.js` - Get yourself a configured [clasp](https://github.com/google/clasp) - Create a Google Apps-Script project and activate the Gmail API in the corresponding GCP Project - Execute `npm ci && npm run build` to generate the App-Script version of the code - Execute a `clasp push` to upload the source code into your project If everything went well you now should have your `config.js` and an `app.js` inside your App-Script project. (In the web-UI they are called `.gs` files instead of `.js`.) Now you can execute the `executeMailCleanup()` and `applyFilterDefinition()` functions to apply your config. If you want a more automated version you can define project triggers inside the `Edit` menu for those two functions. For example you can set up a daily cron for them.