package main import ( "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "path" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" log "" ) var ( cfg = struct { ConfigFile string `flag:"config-file,f" default:"~/.config/duplicity-backup.yaml" description:"Configuration for this duplicity wrapper"` LockFile string `flag:"lock-file,l" default:"~/.config/duplicity-backup.lock" description:"File to hold the lock for this wrapper execution"` RestoreTime string `flag:"time,t" description:"The time from which to restore or list files"` DryRun bool `flag:"dry-run,n" default:"false" description:"Do a test-run without changes"` Silent bool `flag:"silent,s" default:"false" description:"Do not print to stdout, only write to logfile (for example useful for crons)"` LogLevel string `flag:"log-level" default:"info" description:"Verbosity of logs to use (debug, info, warning, error, ...)"` VersionAndExit bool `flag:"version" default:"false" description:"Print version and exit"` }{} duplicityBinary string version = "dev" ) func initCFG() { var err error if err = rconfig.Parse(&cfg); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Error while parsing arguments") } if cfg.VersionAndExit { fmt.Printf("duplicity-backup %s\n", version) os.Exit(0) } if logLevel, err := log.ParseLevel(cfg.LogLevel); err == nil { log.SetLevel(logLevel) } else { log.Fatalf("Unable to parse log level: %s", err) } if cfg.ConfigFile, err = homedir.Expand(cfg.ConfigFile); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to expand config-file") } if cfg.LockFile, err = homedir.Expand(cfg.LockFile); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to expand lock") } if duplicityBinary, err = which.FindInPath("duplicity"); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Did not find duplicity binary in $PATH, please install it") } } func main() { initCFG() var ( err error config *configFile ) lock, err := lockfile.New(cfg.LockFile) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Could not initialize lockfile") } // If no command is passed assume we're requesting "help" argv := rconfig.Args() if len(argv) == 1 || argv[1] == "help" { helptext, _ := Asset("help.txt") // #nosec G104 fmt.Println(string(helptext)) return } // Get configuration configSource, err := os.Open(cfg.ConfigFile) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatalf("Unable to open configuration file %s", cfg.ConfigFile) } defer configSource.Close() config, err = loadConfigFile(configSource) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to read configuration file") } // Initialize logfile if err := os.MkdirAll(config.LogDirectory, 0750); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to create log dir") } logFilePath := path.Join(config.LogDirectory, time.Now().Format("duplicity-backup_2006-01-02_15-04-05.txt")) logFile, err := os.Create(logFilePath) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatalf("Unable to open logfile %s", logFilePath) } defer logFile.Close() // Hook into logging and write to file log.AddHook(lfshook.NewHook(logFile, nil)) log.Infof("++++ duplicity-backup %s started with command '%s'", version, argv[1]) if err := lock.TryLock(); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Could not acquire lock") return } defer lock.Unlock() if err := execute(config, argv[1:]); err != nil { return } if config.Cleanup.Type != "none" && str.StringInSlice(argv[1], removeCommands) { log.Info("++++ Starting removal of old backups") if err := execute(config, []string{commandRemove}); err != nil { return } } if err := config.Notify(argv[1], true, nil); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Error sending notifications") } else { log.Info("Notifications sent") } log.Info("++++ Backup finished successfully") } func execute(config *configFile, argv []string) error { var ( err error commandLine, tmpEnv []string logFilter *regexp.Regexp ) commandLine, tmpEnv, logFilter, err = config.GenerateCommand(argv, cfg.RestoreTime) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to generate command") return err } env := envListToMap(os.Environ()) for k, v := range envListToMap(tmpEnv) { env[k] = v } // Ensure duplicity is talking to us commandLine = append([]string{"-v3"}, commandLine...) if cfg.DryRun { commandLine = append([]string{"--dry-run"}, commandLine...) } log.Debugf("Command: %s %s", duplicityBinary, strings.Join(commandLine, " ")) msgChan := make(chan string, 10) go func(c chan string, logFilter *regexp.Regexp) { for l := range c { if logFilter == nil || logFilter.MatchString(l) { log.Info(l) } } }(msgChan, logFilter) output := newMessageChanWriter(msgChan) cmd := exec.Command(duplicityBinary, commandLine...) // #nosec G204 cmd.Stdout = output cmd.Stderr = output cmd.Env = envMapToList(env) err = cmd.Run() close(msgChan) if err != nil { log.Error("Execution of duplicity command was unsuccessful! (exit-code was non-zero)") } else { log.Info("Execution of duplicity command was successful.") } if err != nil { if nErr := config.Notify(argv[0], false, fmt.Errorf("Could not create backup: %s", err)); nErr != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Error sending notifications") } else { log.Info("Notifications sent") } } return err } func envListToMap(list []string) map[string]string { out := map[string]string{} for _, entry := range list { if len(entry) == 0 || entry[0] == '#' { continue } parts := strings.SplitN(entry, "=", 2) out[parts[0]] = parts[1] } return out } func envMapToList(envMap map[string]string) []string { out := []string{} for k, v := range envMap { out = append(out, k+"="+v) } return out }