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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import generateZonefiles as generator
import re
import sys
import yaml
MATCH_FQDN = '(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}.$)'
result_code = 0
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
def error(msg):
global result_code
print(bcolors.FAIL + "[ERR] {}".format(msg) + bcolors.ENDC)
result_code = 1
def fatal(msg):
print(bcolors.FAIL + '[FAT] {}'.format(msg) + bcolors.ENDC)
def warn(msg):
print(bcolors.WARNING + "[WRN] {}".format(msg) + bcolors.ENDC)
def check_entry(zone_name, entry):
optional_entry = ['name', 'type', 'ttl', 'class', 'records', 'alias']
if 'name' not in entry:
error('Zone "{}" contains entry without name'.format(zone_name))
if 'alias' not in entry and 'records' not in entry:
error('Zone "{}" - Entry "{}" - Neither alias nor records specified'.format(
zone_name, entry['name']))
for k in entry.keys():
if k not in optional_entry:
warn('Zone "{}" - Entry "{}" - Unexpected key in entry found: {}'.format(
zone_name, entry['name'], k))
parsed_entries = generator.sanitize(entry)
error('Zone "{}" - Entry "{}" - Alias is not resolvable'.format(
zone_name, entry['name']))
if len(parsed_entries) == 0:
warn('Zone "{}" - Entry "{}" - Resolved to 0 resource records!'.format(
zone_name, entry['name']))
for entry in parsed_entries:
if entry['type'] == 'CNAME' and entry['data'][-1] != '.':
warn('Zone "{}" - Entry "{}" - CNAME data has no ending dot, pointing to same domain.'.format(
zone_name, entry['name']))
# TODO(kahlers): Add more checks:
# - Type is valid
# - Class is valid
def check_soa(soa, nameservers):
# SOA check
expected_soa = ['auth_ns', 'contact', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'ttl']
for e in expected_soa:
if e not in soa:
fatal('Missing required attribute {} in soa'.format(e))
for k in soa.keys():
if k not in expected_soa:
warn('Unexpected entry in soa found: {}'.format(k))
if soa['auth_ns'] not in nameservers:
error('SOA auth nameserver not in nameserver list')
if not re.match("^[a-z.]+.$", soa['contact']):
error('SOA contact does not match specificiation')
if not 1200 <= soa['refresh'] <= 43200:
warn('SOA refresh out of recommended bounds 1200 - 43200')
if not 180 <= soa['retry'] <= 900:
warn('SOA retry out of suggested bounds 180 - 900')
if not 1209600 <= soa['expire'] <= 2419200:
warn('SOA expire out of recommended bounds 1209600 - 2419200')
if not 300 <= soa['ttl'] <= 86400:
warn('SOA minimum ttl out of recommended bounds 300 - 86400')
def check_mailserver_sets(mailserver_sets):
for name, set in mailserver_sets.items():
for mx, weight in set.items():
if not str(weight).isdigit():
error('Mailserver Set {} - entry {} has non-digit weight {}'.format(
name, mx, weight))
if not re.match(MATCH_FQDN, mx):
warn('Mailserver Set {} - MX {} does not match fqdn regexp'.format(
name, mx))
def check_nameserver(nameservers):
if len(nameservers) < 2:
error('Number of nameservers below required 2 servers')
if not 3 <= len(nameservers) <= 7:
warn('Number of nameservers out of recommended bounds 3 - 7 (RFC2182)')
for n in nameservers:
if not re.match(MATCH_FQDN, n):
warn('Nameserver {} does not match fqdn regexp'.format(n))
# TODO(kahlers): Add more checks:
# - Nameservers do not have same IP
# - Nameservers are reachable
# - Nameservers are not in same AS
def check_zone(name, config):
expected_zone = ['mailserver', 'mailserver_set', 'entries', 'default_ttl']
for k in config.keys():
if k not in expected_zone:
warn('Unexpected entry in zone {} found: {}'.format(name, k))
if 'mailserver' not in config and 'mailserver_set' not in config and ('entries' not in config or len(config['entries']) == 0):
warn('Zone {} has no mailservers and no entries'.format(name))
if 'mailserver' in config and 'mailserver_set' in config:
error('Zone {} contains mailserver and mailserver_set'.format(name))
if 'mailserver' in config:
for mx, weight in config['mailserver'].items():
if not str(weight).isdigit():
error('Zone {} - MX entry {} has non-digit weight {}'.format(
name, mx, weight))
if not re.match(MATCH_FQDN, mx):
warn('Zone {} - MX {} does not match fqdn regexp'.format(name, mx))
if 'entries' in config:
for e in config['entries']:
check_entry(name, e)
def main():
zone_data = yaml.load(open("zones.yml"))
if 'soa' not in zone_data:
fatal("SOA configuration not found")
if 'nameserver' not in zone_data:
fatal("Nameserver list not found")
if 'zones' not in zone_data:
error('No zones configuration found')
check_soa(zone_data['soa'], zone_data['nameserver'])
for name, config in zone_data['zones'].items():
check_zone(name, config)
return result_code
if __name__ == "__main__":