package main import ( "context" "fmt" "math" "time" "" "" "" log "" ) /* * @module presence * @module_desc Updates the presence status of the bot to display the next stream */ const ( presenceTimeDay = 24 * time.Hour ) func init() { RegisterModule("presence", func() module { return &modPresence{} }) } type modPresence struct { attrs moduleAttributeStore discord *discordgo.Session id string } func (m modPresence) ID() string { return } func (m *modPresence) Initialize(id string, crontab *cron.Cron, discord *discordgo.Session, attrs moduleAttributeStore) error { m.attrs = attrs m.discord = discord = id if err := attrs.Expect( "fallback_text", "twitch_channel_id", "twitch_client_id", "twitch_token", ); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "validating attributes") } // @attr cron optional string "* * * * *" When to execute the module if _, err := crontab.AddFunc(attrs.MustString("cron", ptrString("* * * * *")), m.cronUpdatePresence); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "adding cron function") } return nil } func (m modPresence) Setup() error { return nil } func (m modPresence) cronUpdatePresence() { var nextStream *time.Time twitch := newTwitchAdapter( // @attr twitch_client_id required string "" Twitch client ID the token was issued for m.attrs.MustString("twitch_client_id", nil), "", // No client secret used // @attr twitch_token required string "" Token for the user the `twitch_channel_id` belongs to m.attrs.MustString("twitch_token", nil), ) data, err := twitch.GetChannelStreamSchedule( context.Background(), // @attr twitch_channel_id required string "" ID (not name) of the channel to fetch the schedule from m.attrs.MustString("twitch_channel_id", nil), // @attr schedule_past_time optional duration "15m" How long in the past should the schedule contain an entry ptrTime(time.Now().Add(-m.attrs.MustDuration("schedule_past_time", defaultStreamSchedulePastTime))), ) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to fetch stream schedule") return } for _, seg := range data.Data.Segments { if seg.StartTime == nil || seg.CanceledUntil != nil { continue } nextStream = seg.StartTime break } // @attr fallback_text required string "" What to set the text to when no stream is found (`playing `) status := m.attrs.MustString("fallback_text", nil) if nextStream != nil { status = m.durationToHumanReadable(time.Since(*nextStream)) } if err := m.discord.UpdateGameStatus(0, status); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to update status") } log.Debug("Updated presence") } func (m modPresence) durationToHumanReadable(d time.Duration) string { d = time.Duration(math.Abs(float64(d))) if d > presenceTimeDay { return fmt.Sprintf("in %.0f Tagen", math.Round(float64(d)/float64(presenceTimeDay))) } if d > time.Hour { return fmt.Sprintf("in %.0f Stunden", math.Round(float64(d)/float64(time.Hour))) } if d > time.Minute { return fmt.Sprintf("in %.0f Minuten", math.Round(float64(d)/float64(time.Minute))) } return "gleich" }