package main import ( "sort" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" "" log "" ) /* * @module clearchannel * @module_desc Cleans up old messages from a channel (for example announcement channel) which are older than the retention time */ const ( clearChannelNumberOfMessagesToLoad = 100 ) func init() { RegisterModule("clearchannel", func() module { return &modClearChannel{} }) } type modClearChannel struct { attrs moduleAttributeStore discord *discordgo.Session } func (m *modClearChannel) Initialize(crontab *cron.Cron, discord *discordgo.Session, attrs moduleAttributeStore) error { m.attrs = attrs m.discord = discord if err := attrs.Expect( "discord_channel_id", "retention", ); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "validating attributes") } // @attr cron optional string "0 * * * *" When to execute the cleaner if _, err := crontab.AddFunc(attrs.MustString("cron", ptrString("0 * * * *")), m.cronClearChannel); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "adding cron function") } return nil } func (m modClearChannel) cronClearChannel() { var ( after = "0" err error onlyUsers []string protectUsers []string // @attr discord_channel_id required string "" ID of the Discord channel to clean up channelID = m.attrs.MustString("discord_channel_id", nil) // @attr retention required duration "" How long to keep messages in this channel retention = m.attrs.MustDuration("retention", nil) ) // @attr only_users optional []string "[]" When this list contains user IDs, only posts authored by those IDs will be deleted onlyUsers, err = m.attrs.StringSlice("only_users") switch err { case nil, errValueNotSet: // This is fine default: log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to load value for only_users") return } // @attr protect_users optional []string "[]" When this list contains user IDs, posts authored by those IDs will not be deleted protectUsers, err = m.attrs.StringSlice("protect_users") switch err { case nil, errValueNotSet: // This is fine default: log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to load value for protect_users") return } for { msgs, err := m.discord.ChannelMessages(channelID, clearChannelNumberOfMessagesToLoad, "", after, "") if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to fetch announcement channel messages") return } sort.Slice(msgs, func(i, j int) bool { iu, _ := strconv.ParseUint(msgs[i].ID, 10, 64) //nolint: gomnd // These make no sense to define as constants ju, _ := strconv.ParseUint(msgs[j].ID, 10, 64) //nolint: gomnd // These make no sense to define as constants return iu < ju }) if len(msgs) == 0 { break } for _, msg := range msgs { mt, err := msg.Timestamp.Parse() if err != nil { log.WithField("msg_id", msg.ID).WithError(err).Error("Unable to parse message timestamp") break } if time.Since(mt) < retention { // We got to the first message within the retention time, we can end now break } if len(onlyUsers) > 0 && !str.StringInSlice(msg.Author.ID, onlyUsers) { // Is not written by one of the users we may purge continue } if len(protectUsers) > 0 && str.StringInSlice(msg.Author.ID, protectUsers) { // Is written by protected user, we may not purge continue } if err = m.discord.ChannelMessageDelete(channelID, msg.ID); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to delete messages") return } after = msg.ID } } }