package main import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "time" "" "" "" log "" ) /* * @module schedule * @module_desc Posts stream schedule derived from Twitch schedule as embed in Discord channel */ const ( streamScheduleDefaultColor = 0x2ECC71 ) var ( defaultStreamScheduleEntries = ptrInt64(5) //nolint: gomnd // This is already the "constant" defaultStreamSchedulePastTime = ptrDuration(15 * time.Minute) //nolint: gomnd // This is already the "constant" ) func init() { RegisterModule("schedule", func() module { return &modStreamSchedule{} }) } type modStreamSchedule struct { attrs moduleAttributeStore discord *discordgo.Session id string } func (m modStreamSchedule) ID() string { return } func (m *modStreamSchedule) Initialize(id string, crontab *cron.Cron, discord *discordgo.Session, attrs moduleAttributeStore) error { m.attrs = attrs m.discord = discord = id if err := attrs.Expect( "discord_channel_id", "embed_title", "twitch_channel_id", "twitch_client_id", "twitch_token", ); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "validating attributes") } // @attr cron optional string "*/10 * * * *" When to execute the schedule transfer if _, err := crontab.AddFunc(attrs.MustString("cron", ptrString("*/10 * * * *")), m.cronUpdateSchedule); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "adding cron function") } return nil } func (m modStreamSchedule) Setup() error { return nil } func (m modStreamSchedule) cronUpdateSchedule() { twitch := newTwitchAdapter( // @attr twitch_client_id required string "" Twitch client ID the token was issued for m.attrs.MustString("twitch_client_id", nil), "", // No Client Secret used // @attr twitch_token required string "" Token for the user the `twitch_channel_id` belongs to m.attrs.MustString("twitch_token", nil), ) data, err := twitch.GetChannelStreamSchedule( context.Background(), // @attr twitch_channel_id required string "" ID (not name) of the channel to fetch the schedule from m.attrs.MustString("twitch_channel_id", nil), // @attr schedule_past_time optional duration "15m" How long in the past should the schedule contain an entry ptrTime(time.Now().Add(-m.attrs.MustDuration("schedule_past_time", defaultStreamSchedulePastTime))), ) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to fetch stream schedule") return } // @attr discord_channel_id required string "" ID of the Discord channel to post the message to channelID := m.attrs.MustString("discord_channel_id", nil) msgEmbed := &discordgo.MessageEmbed{ // @attr embed_color optional int64 "0x2ECC71" Integer representation of the hex color for the embed Color: int(m.attrs.MustInt64("embed_color", ptrInt64(streamScheduleDefaultColor))), // @attr embed_description optional string "" Description for the embed block Description: strings.TrimSpace(m.attrs.MustString("embed_description", ptrStringEmpty)), Fields: []*discordgo.MessageEmbedField{}, Timestamp: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339), // @attr embed_title required string "" Title of the embed Title: m.attrs.MustString("embed_title", nil), Type: discordgo.EmbedTypeRich, } if m.attrs.MustString("embed_thumbnail_url", ptrStringEmpty) != "" { msgEmbed.Thumbnail = &discordgo.MessageEmbedThumbnail{ // @attr embed_thumbnail_url optional string "" Publically hosted image URL to use as thumbnail URL: m.attrs.MustString("embed_thumbnail_url", ptrStringEmpty), // @attr embed_thumbnail_width optional int64 "" Width of the thumbnail Width: int(m.attrs.MustInt64("embed_thumbnail_width", ptrInt64Zero)), // @attr embed_thumbnail_height optional int64 "" Height of the thumbnail Height: int(m.attrs.MustInt64("embed_thumbnail_height", ptrInt64Zero)), } } for _, seg := range data.Data.Segments { title := seg.Title if seg.Category != nil && seg.Category.Name != seg.Title { title = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", seg.Title, seg.Category.Name) } if seg.StartTime == nil || seg.CanceledUntil != nil { continue } msgEmbed.Fields = append(msgEmbed.Fields, &discordgo.MessageEmbedField{ Name: m.formatGermanShort(*seg.StartTime), Value: title, Inline: false, }) // @attr schedule_entries optional int64 "5" How many schedule entries to add to the embed as fields if len(msgEmbed.Fields) == int(m.attrs.MustInt64("schedule_entries", defaultStreamScheduleEntries)) { break } } var managedMsg *discordgo.Message if err = store.ReadWithLock(, func(a moduleAttributeStore) error { mid, err := a.String("message_id") if err == errValueNotSet { return nil } managedMsg, err = m.discord.ChannelMessage(channelID, mid) return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching managed message") }); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to fetch managed message for stream schedule") return } if managedMsg != nil { oldEmbed := managedMsg.Embeds[0] if isDiscordMessageEmbedEqual(oldEmbed, msgEmbed) { log.Debug("Stream Schedule is up-to-date") return } _, err = m.discord.ChannelMessageEditEmbed(channelID, managedMsg.ID, msgEmbed) } else { managedMsg, err = m.discord.ChannelMessageSendEmbed(channelID, msgEmbed) } if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to announce streamplan") return } if err = store.Set(, "message_id", managedMsg.ID); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to store managed message id") return } log.Info("Updated Stream Schedule") } func (m modStreamSchedule) formatGermanShort(t time.Time) string { wd := map[time.Weekday]string{ time.Monday: "Mo.", time.Tuesday: "Di.", time.Wednesday: "Mi.", time.Thursday: "Do.", time.Friday: "Fr.", time.Saturday: "Sa.", time.Sunday: "So.", }[t.Weekday()] tz, err := time.LoadLocation("Europe/Berlin") if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to load timezone Europe/Berlin") } return strings.Join([]string{wd, t.In(tz).Format("02.01. 15:04"), "Uhr"}, " ") }