package main import ( "context" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" log "" ) /* * @module liveposting * @module_desc Announces stream live status based on Discord streaming status */ const ( livePostingDefaultStreamFreshness = 5 * time.Minute livePostingDiscordProfileHeight = 300 livePostingDiscordProfileWidth = 300 livePostingNumberOfMessagesToLoad = 100 livePostingPreviewHeight = 180 livePostingPreviewWidth = 320 livePostingTwitchColor = 0x6441a5 ) func init() { RegisterModule("liveposting", func() module { return &modLivePosting{} }) } type modLivePosting struct { attrs moduleAttributeStore discord *discordgo.Session } func (m *modLivePosting) Initialize(crontab *cron.Cron, discord *discordgo.Session, attrs moduleAttributeStore) error { m.attrs = attrs m.discord = discord if err := attrs.Expect( "discord_channel_id", "post_text", "whitelisted_role", "twitch_client_id", "twitch_client_secret", ); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "validating attributes") } discord.AddHandler(m.handlePresenceUpdate) return nil } //nolint: gocyclo // One directive too many, makes no sense to split func (m modLivePosting) handlePresenceUpdate(d *discordgo.Session, p *discordgo.PresenceUpdate) { if p.User == nil { // The frick? Non-user presence? return } logger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "user": p.User.ID, }) member, err := d.GuildMember(p.GuildID, p.User.ID) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).Error("Unable to fetch member status for user") return } // @attr whitelisted_role optional string "" Only post for members of this role whitelistedRole := m.attrs.MustString("whitelisted_role", ptrStringEmpty) if whitelistedRole != "" && !str.StringInSlice(whitelistedRole, member.Roles) { // User is not allowed for this config return } var activity *discordgo.Activity for _, a := range p.Activities { if a.Type == discordgo.ActivityTypeStreaming { activity = a break } } if activity == nil { // No streaming activity: Do nothing return } u, err := url.Parse(activity.URL) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).WithField("url", activity.URL).Warning("Unable to parse activity URL") return } if u.Host != "" { logger.WithError(err).WithField("url", activity.URL).Debug("Activity is not on Twitch") return } twitchUsername := strings.TrimLeft(u.Path, "/") twitch := newTwitchAdapter( // @attr twitch_client_id required string "" Twitch client ID the token was issued for m.attrs.MustString("twitch_client_id", nil), // @attr twitch_client_secret required string "" Secret for the Twitch app identified with twitch_client_id m.attrs.MustString("twitch_client_secret", nil), "", // No User-Token used ) users, err := twitch.GetUserByUsername(context.Background(), twitchUsername) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).WithField("user", twitchUsername).Warning("Unable to fetch details for user") return } if l := len(users.Data); l != 1 { logger.WithError(err).WithField("url", activity.URL).Warning("Unable to fetch user for login") return } streams, err := twitch.GetStreamsForUser(context.Background(), twitchUsername) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).WithField("user", twitchUsername).Debug("Unable to fetch streams for user") return } if l := len(streams.Data); l != 1 { logger.WithError(err).WithField("url", activity.URL).Debug("Unable to fetch streams for login") return } // @attr stream_freshness optional duration "5m" How long after stream start to post shoutout ignoreTime := m.attrs.MustDuration("stream_freshness", ptrDuration(livePostingDefaultStreamFreshness)) if streams.Data[0].StartedAt.Add(ignoreTime).Before(time.Now()) { // Stream is too old, don't annoounce return } if err = m.sendLivePost( users.Data[0].Login, users.Data[0].DisplayName, streams.Data[0].Title, streams.Data[0].GameName, streams.Data[0].ThumbnailURL, users.Data[0].ProfileImageURL, ); err != nil { logger.WithError(err).WithField("url", activity.URL).Error("Unable to send post") return } } func (m modLivePosting) sendLivePost(username, displayName, title, game, previewImage, profileImage string) error { postText := strings.NewReplacer( "${displayname}", displayName, "${username}", username, ).Replace( // @attr post_text required string "" Message to post to channel use `${displayname}` and `${username}` as placeholders m.attrs.MustString("post_text", nil), ) // @attr discord_channel_id required string "" ID of the Discord channel to post the message to msgs, err := m.discord.ChannelMessages(m.attrs.MustString("discord_channel_id", nil), livePostingNumberOfMessagesToLoad, "", "", "") if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching previous messages") } ignoreTime := m.attrs.MustDuration("stream_freshness", ptrDuration(livePostingDefaultStreamFreshness)) for _, msg := range msgs { mt, err := msg.Timestamp.Parse() if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "parsing message timestamp") } if msg.Content == postText && time.Since(mt) < ignoreTime { return nil } } msgEmbed := &discordgo.MessageEmbed{ Author: &discordgo.MessageEmbedAuthor{ Name: displayName, IconURL: profileImage, }, Color: livePostingTwitchColor, Fields: []*discordgo.MessageEmbedField{ {Name: "Game", Value: game}, }, Image: &discordgo.MessageEmbedImage{ URL: strings.NewReplacer("{width}", strconv.Itoa(livePostingPreviewWidth), "{height}", strconv.Itoa(livePostingPreviewHeight)).Replace(previewImage), Width: livePostingPreviewWidth, Height: livePostingPreviewHeight, }, Thumbnail: &discordgo.MessageEmbedThumbnail{ URL: profileImage, Width: livePostingDiscordProfileWidth, Height: livePostingDiscordProfileHeight, }, Title: title, Type: discordgo.EmbedTypeRich, URL: strings.Join([]string{"", username}, "/"), } _, err = m.discord.ChannelMessageSendComplex(m.attrs.MustString("discord_channel_id", nil), &discordgo.MessageSend{ Content: postText, Embed: msgEmbed, }) return errors.Wrap(err, "sending message") }