package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "time" "" "" "" log "" "" "" ) /* * @module reactionrole * @module_desc Creates a post with pre-set reactions and assigns roles on reaction */ func init() { RegisterModule("reactionrole", func() module { return &modReactionRole{} }) } type modReactionRole struct { attrs moduleAttributeStore discord *discordgo.Session id string } func (m modReactionRole) ID() string { return } func (m *modReactionRole) Initialize(id string, crontab *cron.Cron, discord *discordgo.Session, attrs moduleAttributeStore) error { m.attrs = attrs m.discord = discord = id if err := attrs.Expect( "discord_channel_id", "reaction_roles", ); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "validating attributes") } discord.AddHandler(m.handleMessageReactionAdd) discord.AddHandler(m.handleMessageReactionRemove) return nil } //nolint:funlen,gocyclo // Single task, seeing no sense in splitting func (m modReactionRole) Setup() error { var err error // @attr discord_channel_id required string "" ID of the Discord channel to post the message to channelID := m.attrs.MustString("discord_channel_id", nil) // @attr content optional string "" Message content to post above the embed contentString := m.attrs.MustString("content", ptrStringEmpty) var msgEmbed *discordgo.MessageEmbed // @attr embed_title optional string "" Title of the embed (embed will not be added when title is missing) if title := m.attrs.MustString("embed_title", ptrStringEmpty); title != "" { msgEmbed = &discordgo.MessageEmbed{ // @attr embed_color optional int64 "0x2ECC71" Integer / HEX representation of the color for the embed Color: int(m.attrs.MustInt64("embed_color", ptrInt64(streamScheduleDefaultColor))), // @attr embed_description optional string "" Description for the embed block Description: strings.TrimSpace(m.attrs.MustString("embed_description", ptrStringEmpty)), Timestamp: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339), Title: title, Type: discordgo.EmbedTypeRich, } if m.attrs.MustString("embed_thumbnail_url", ptrStringEmpty) != "" { msgEmbed.Thumbnail = &discordgo.MessageEmbedThumbnail{ // @attr embed_thumbnail_url optional string "" Publically hosted image URL to use as thumbnail URL: m.attrs.MustString("embed_thumbnail_url", ptrStringEmpty), // @attr embed_thumbnail_width optional int64 "" Width of the thumbnail Width: int(m.attrs.MustInt64("embed_thumbnail_width", ptrInt64Zero)), // @attr embed_thumbnail_height optional int64 "" Height of the thumbnail Height: int(m.attrs.MustInt64("embed_thumbnail_height", ptrInt64Zero)), } } } reactionListRaw, err := m.attrs.StringSlice("reaction_roles") if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "getting role list") } var reactionList []string for _, r := range reactionListRaw { reactionList = append(reactionList, strings.Split(r, "=")[0]) } var managedMsg *discordgo.Message if err = store.ReadWithLock(, func(a moduleAttributeStore) error { mid, err := a.String("message_id") if err == errValueNotSet { return nil } managedMsg, err = m.discord.ChannelMessage(channelID, mid) return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching managed message") }); err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "404") { return err } if managedMsg == nil { managedMsg, err = m.discord.ChannelMessageSendComplex(channelID, &discordgo.MessageSend{ Content: contentString, Embed: msgEmbed, }) } else if (len(managedMsg.Embeds) > 0 && !isDiscordMessageEmbedEqual(managedMsg.Embeds[0], msgEmbed)) || managedMsg.Content != contentString { _, err = m.discord.ChannelMessageEditComplex(&discordgo.MessageEdit{ Content: &contentString, Embed: msgEmbed, ID: managedMsg.ID, Channel: channelID, }) } if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "updating / creating message") } if err = store.Set(, "message_id", managedMsg.ID); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "storing managed message id") } var addedReactions []string for _, r := range managedMsg.Reactions { okName := str.StringInSlice(r.Emoji.Name, reactionList) compiledName := fmt.Sprintf(":%s:%s", r.Emoji.Name, r.Emoji.ID) okCode := str.StringInSlice(compiledName, reactionList) if !okCode && !okName { id := r.Emoji.ID if id == "" { id = r.Emoji.Name } if err = m.discord.MessageReactionsRemoveEmoji(channelID, managedMsg.ID, id); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "removing reaction emoji") } continue } addedReactions = append(addedReactions, compiledName, r.Emoji.Name) } for _, emoji := range reactionList { if !str.StringInSlice(emoji, addedReactions) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "emote": emoji, "message": managedMsg.ID, "module":, }).Trace("Adding emoji reaction") if err = m.discord.MessageReactionAdd(channelID, managedMsg.ID, emoji); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "adding reaction emoji") } } } return nil } func (m modReactionRole) extractRoles() (map[string]string, error) { // @attr reaction_roles required []string "" List of strings in format `emote=role-id[:set]`. `emote` equals an unicode emote (✅) or a custom emote in form `::`. `role-id` is the integer ID of the guilds role to add with this emote. If `:set` is added at the end, the role will only be added but not removed when the reaction is removed. list, err := m.attrs.StringSlice("reaction_roles") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "getting role list") } return env.ListToMap(list), nil } func (m modReactionRole) handleMessageReaction(d *discordgo.Session, e *discordgo.MessageReaction, add bool) { if e.UserID == m.discord.State.User.ID { // Reaction was manipulated by the bot, ignore return } var ( err error messageID string ) if err = store.ReadWithLock(, func(a moduleAttributeStore) error { messageID, err = a.String("message_id") return errors.Wrap(err, "reading message ID") }); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to get managed message ID") return } if messageID == "" || e.MessageID != messageID { // This is not our managed message (or we don't have one), we don't care return } roles, err := m.extractRoles() if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to extract role mapping") return } for _, check := range []string{e.Emoji.Name, fmt.Sprintf(":%s:%s", e.Emoji.Name, e.Emoji.ID)} { role, ok := roles[check] if !ok { continue } if add { if err = m.discord.GuildMemberRoleAdd(config.GuildID, e.UserID, strings.Split(role, ":")[0]); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to add role to user") } return } if !strings.HasSuffix(role, ":set") { if err = m.discord.GuildMemberRoleRemove(config.GuildID, e.UserID, strings.Split(role, ":")[0]); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to remove role to user") } return } } } func (m modReactionRole) handleMessageReactionAdd(d *discordgo.Session, e *discordgo.MessageReactionAdd) { m.handleMessageReaction(d, e.MessageReaction, true) } func (m modReactionRole) handleMessageReactionRemove(d *discordgo.Session, e *discordgo.MessageReactionRemove) { m.handleMessageReaction(d, e.MessageReaction, false) }