'item1' 'john doe' '42' 'item1' 'john doe' '42' 'item1' 'john doe' '42' 'item1' 'item1' May I present the cycle item again: 'item1' 'john doe' May I present the cycle item again: 'john doe' '42' May I present the cycle item again: '42' 'item1' May I present the cycle item again: 'item1' 'john doe' May I present the cycle item again: 'john doe' '42' May I present the cycle item again: '42' 'item1' May I present the cycle item again: 'item1' 'john doe' May I present the cycle item again: 'john doe' '42' May I present the cycle item again: '42' 'item1' May I present the cycle item again: 'item1' '' May I present the cycle item: 'item1' '' May I present the cycle item: 'john doe' '' May I present the cycle item: '42' '' May I present the cycle item: 'item1' '' May I present the cycle item: 'john doe' '' May I present the cycle item: '42' '' May I present the cycle item: 'item1' '' May I present the cycle item: 'john doe' '' May I present the cycle item: '42' '' May I present the cycle item: 'item1' '' May I present the cycle item: 'item1' Included 'item1'. '' May I present the cycle item: 'john doe' Included 'john doe'. '' May I present the cycle item: '42' Included '42'. '' May I present the cycle item: 'item1' Included 'item1'. '' May I present the cycle item: 'john doe' Included 'john doe'. '' May I present the cycle item: '42' Included '42'. '' May I present the cycle item: 'item1' Included 'item1'. '' May I present the cycle item: 'john doe' Included 'john doe'. '' May I present the cycle item: '42' Included '42'. '' May I present the cycle item: 'item1' Included 'item1'. 'item1' 'john doe' '' 'item1' '' 'john doe'