class CloudKeys constructor: () -> @entities = [] @version = "" @password = '' #todo replace with user password $('#pw').focus().keyup (evt) => `var that = this` if evt.keyCode is 13 @password = $(that).val() $('#loader').removeClass('hide') @fetchData() $('#newEntityLink').click => @showForm() $('#passwordRequest').addClass('hide') $('#search').keyup => `var that = this` @limitItems(@getItems($(that).val())) return $('#search').focus() $(window).keyup (evt) => if evt.altKey is true and evt.keyCode is 66 if typeof window.copyToClipboard is "function" copyToClipboard($('#items .username').val()) else $('#items .username').focus().select() if evt.altKey is true and evt.keyCode is 79 # workaround to copy password very fast if typeof window.copyToClipboard is "function" copyToClipboard($('#items .password').data('toggle')) else $('#items .passwordtoggle em').click() $('#items .password').focus().select() if evt.altKey is true and evt.keyCode is 80 if typeof window.copyToClipboard is "function" copyToClipboard($('#items .password').data('toggle')) else $('#items .password').focus().select() if evt.altKey is true and evt.keyCode is 85 if typeof window.copyToClipboard is "function" copyToClipboard($('#items .url').val()) else $('#items .url').focus().select() import: (xml) -> parsedXML = $.parseXML(xml) for group in $(parsedXML).find('group') tag = $(group).find('>title').text() for entry in $(group).find('entry') e = $(entry) entity = {} entity['title'] = e.find('title').text() entity['username'] = e.find('username').text() entity['password'] = e.find('password').text() entity['url'] = e.find('url').text() entity['comment'] = e.find('comment').text() entity['tags'] = tag @entities.push(entity) @updateData => $('#import').val('') $('#importLink').click() updateData: (callback) -> encrypted = @encrypt(JSON.stringify(@entities)) hash = CryptoJS.SHA1(encrypted).toString() $.post 'ajax', {'version': @version, 'checksum': hash, 'data': encrypted}, (result) => if result.error is true alert "An error occured, please reload and try it again" else if typeof callback isnt "undefined" callback() @updateInformation(result) , "json" fetchData: () -> $.get 'ajax', (data) => @updateInformation(data) , "json" updateInformation: (data) -> @version = data.version if == "" @entities = [] else try @entities = $.parseJSON(@decrypt( catch e window.location.reload() @entities.sort(@sortItems) @showItems(@getItems('')) @limitItems(@getItems($('#search').val())) encrypt: (value) -> return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(value, @password).toString() decrypt: (value) -> return CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(value, @password).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8) getClippyCode: (value) -> code = '' code += '' code += "" code += "" return code limitItems: (items) -> $('#resultdescription span').text(items.length) current = 0 $('#items>li').each (k, v) => item = $(v) item.removeClass('odd') if $.inArray('num'), items) is -1 item.addClass('hide') else if item.hasClass('hide') item.removeClass('hide') if current % 2 is 0 item.addClass('odd') current = current + 1 return return showItems: (items) -> $('#items li').remove() itemContainer = $('#items') $('#resultdescription span').text(items.length) for item, i in items additionalClass = "" if i % 2 is 0 additionalClass = "odd" item = @entities[item] c = $("
  • #{ item.title } #{ item.username }
  • ") ul = $("") password = "" for char, i of item.password password += "*" ul.append("
  • #{ @getClippyCode(item.username) }
  • ") ul.append("
  • (toggle visibility)#{ @getClippyCode(item.password) }
  • ") ul.append("
  • #{ @getClippyCode(item.url) }
  • ") lines_match = item.comment.match(/\n/g) if lines_match isnt null counter = lines_match.length if counter < 2 counter = 2 ul.append("
  • #{ @getClippyCode(item.comment) }
  • ") ul.append("
  • #{ @getClippyCode(item.tags) }
  • ") ul.append("

  • ") ul.find('.btn-primary').click () => `var t = this` num = $(t).parent().parent().parent().data('num') if typeof num isnt "undefined" and typeof num isnt null @showForm(num) ul.find('.passwordtoggle em').click () => `var t = this` elem = $(t).parent().find('.password') original ='toggle')'toggle', elem.val()) elem.val(original) c.append(ul) => `var that = this` elem = $(that) if elem.hasClass('active') is false $('#items').removeClass('active').find('ul').slideUp() elem.addClass('active') elem.find('ul').slideDown() c.find('input').focus().select() itemContainer.append(c) $('.hide').removeClass('hide') $('#loader').addClass('hide') $('#passwordRequest').addClass('hide') $('#search').focus() return getItems: (search) -> result = [] search = search.toLowerCase() for item, i in @entities if item.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) != -1 or item.username.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) != -1 or item.tags.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) != -1 item.num = i result.push(i) return result sortItems: (a, b) -> aTitle = a.title.toLowerCase() bTitle = b.title.toLowerCase() `((aTitle < bTitle) ? -1 : ((aTitle > bTitle) ? 1 : 0))` showForm: (num) -> $('#editDialog input').val('') $('#editDialog textarea').val('') $('#editDialog .hide').removeClass('hide') fields = ['title', 'username', 'password', 'url', 'comment', 'tags'] if typeof num isnt "undefined" and typeof @entities[num] isnt "undefined" $('#editDialog input[name="num"]').val(num) for elem in fields $("#editDialog ##{elem}").val(@entities[num][elem]) $("#editDialog input#repeat_password").val(@entities[num]['password']) else $('#editDialog button.btn-danger').addClass('hide') $('#editDialog').modal({}) $('#editDialog .btn-danger').unbind('click').click => confirmation = confirm('Are you sure?') if confirmation is true num = $('#editDialog input[name="num"]').val() if typeof num isnt "undefined" and typeof num isnt null and num != "" @entities.splice(num, 1) @updateData => $('#formClose').click() $('#editDialog .btn-primary').unbind('click').click => if @validateForm() num = $('#editDialog input[name="num"]').val() entity = {} for field in fields entity[field] = $("##{field}").val() if typeof num != "undefined" and num != "" @entities[num] = entity else @entities.push(entity) @updateData => $('#formClose').click() return validateForm: () -> $('#editDialog .has-error').removeClass('has-error') success = true if $('#title').val() == "" $('#title').parent().addClass('has-error') success = false if $('#password').val() isnt "" && $('#repeat_password').val() isnt $('#password').val() $('#password, #repeat_password').parent().addClass('has-error') success = false return success window.CloudKeys = new CloudKeys() $('#importLink').click => $('#importContainer').toggle(500) $('#importContainer button').click => window.CloudKeys.import($('#import').val()) #$('#import').val('')