package main import ( "context" "fmt" "math" "os" "regexp" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" log "" "" ) const humanizeTemplate = `{{if gt .Years 0}}{{.Years}}y{{end}}` + `{{if gt .Days 0}}{{.Days}}d{{end}}` + `{{if gt .Hours 0}}{{.Hours}}h{{end}}` var ( cfg = struct { BranchStaleness time.Duration `flag:"branch-staleness" default:"2160h" description:"When to see a branch as stale (default 90d)"` DeleteStale bool `flag:"delete-stale" default:"false" description:"Delete branches after branch-staleness even if ahead of base"` DryRun bool `flag:"dry-run,n" default:"true" description:"Do a dry-run (take no destructive action)"` EvenTimeout time.Duration `flag:"even-timeout" default:"24h" description:"When to delete a branch which is not ahead of base"` GithubToken string `flag:"token" default:"" description:"Token to access Github API"` Listen string `flag:"listen" default:":3000" description:"Port/IP to listen on"` LogLevel string `flag:"log-level" default:"info" description:"Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)"` RepoProcessLimit int `flag:"process-limit" default:"10" description:"How many repos to process concurrently"` RepoRegex string `flag:"repo-regex,r" default:"" description:"Regular expression the full repo (user/reponame) must match against"` VersionAndExit bool `flag:"version" default:"false" description:"Prints current version and exits"` }{} repoRegex *regexp.Regexp version = "dev" ) func init() { rconfig.AutoEnv(true) if err := rconfig.ParseAndValidate(&cfg); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to parse commandline options: %s", err) } if cfg.VersionAndExit { fmt.Printf("git-changerelease %s\n", version) os.Exit(0) } if l, err := log.ParseLevel(cfg.LogLevel); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to parse log level") } else { log.SetLevel(l) } } func main() { var err error if repoRegex, err = regexp.Compile(cfg.RepoRegex); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("Repo-Regex does not compile") } ctx := context.Background() ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource( &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: cfg.GithubToken}, ) tc := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, ts) client := github.NewClient(tc) var ( logger = log.WithField("dry-run", cfg.DryRun) repos = make(chan *github.Repository, 100) wg = new(sync.WaitGroup) ) defer close(repos) // Process repos found go repoWalk(ctx, logger, client, wg, repos) // Find repos for users wg.Add(1) go findRepos(ctx, logger, client, wg, repos) wg.Wait() log.Info("Done.") } func analysePullRequests(logger *log.Entry, prs []*github.PullRequest, b *github.Branch) (hasValidMerge, hasOpenPR bool) { for _, pr := range prs { if pr.GetHead().GetSHA() != b.GetCommit().GetSHA() { // Does not seem to be the PR for this branch continue } if pr.GetState() == "open" { // Is an open PR, don't touch logger.Debug("Branch has an open PR") hasOpenPR = true continue } if !pr.GetMerged() && pr.GetMergeCommitSHA() == "" { // Is not merged but closed: Don't touch! That's too hot... logger.Warn("Branch has a closed but not merged PR") continue } if pr.GetMerged() || pr.GetMergeCommitSHA() != "" { hasValidMerge = true } } return hasValidMerge, hasOpenPR } func deleteBranch(ctx context.Context, logger *log.Entry, client *github.Client, repo *github.Repository, b *github.Branch, reason string) { logger.WithField("reason", reason).Info("Deleting branch") if !cfg.DryRun { if _, err := client.Git.DeleteRef(ctx, repo.Owner.GetLogin(), repo.GetName(), strings.Join([]string{"heads", b.GetName()}, "/")); err != nil { logger.WithError(err).Error("Could not delete branch") } } } func fetchBranchesForRepo(ctx context.Context, client *github.Client, repo *github.Repository) ([]*github.Branch, error) { var ( branches = []*github.Branch{} lo = github.ListOptions{} ) // Fetch all branches for the repo for { b, resp, err := client.Repositories.ListBranches(ctx, repo.Owner.GetLogin(), repo.GetName(), &lo) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not fetch branches") } branches = append(branches, b...) if resp.NextPage == 0 { break } lo.Page = resp.NextPage } return branches, nil } func fetchPullRequestsForBranch(ctx context.Context, client *github.Client, repo *github.Repository, b *github.Branch) ([]*github.PullRequest, error) { var ( prs = []*github.PullRequest{} lo = github.ListOptions{} ) fetch := func(owner, name string) error { for { p, resp, err := client.PullRequests.List(ctx, owner, name, &github.PullRequestListOptions{ State: "all", Head: strings.Join([]string{repo.Owner.GetLogin(), b.GetName()}, ":"), Base: repo.GetDefaultBranch(), ListOptions: lo, }) if err != nil { return err } prs = append(prs, p...) if resp.NextPage == 0 { break } lo.Page = resp.NextPage } return nil } if err := fetch(repo.Owner.GetLogin(), repo.GetName()); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not fetch pull-requests") } if repo.GetFork() { // Re-fetch the repo in order to have parent information included var err error if repo, _, err = client.Repositories.Get(ctx, repo.Owner.GetLogin(), repo.GetName()); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not update repo to fetch parent information") } if err := fetch(repo.GetParent().GetOwner().GetLogin(), repo.GetParent().GetName()); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not fetch pull-requests") } } return prs, nil } func findRepos(ctx context.Context, logger *log.Entry, client *github.Client, wg *sync.WaitGroup, repos chan *github.Repository) { defer wg.Done() var ( userRepos []*github.Repository lo = github.ListOptions{} ) for { ur, resp, err := client.Repositories.List(ctx, "", &github.RepositoryListOptions{ ListOptions: lo, }) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).Error("Unable to fetch repos") return } userRepos = append(userRepos, ur...) if resp.NextPage == 0 { break } lo.Page = resp.NextPage } wg.Add(len(userRepos)) for _, r := range userRepos { if !repoRegex.MatchString(r.GetFullName()) { logger.WithField("repo", r.GetFullName()).Debug("Repo is filtered by user parameter") wg.Done() continue } if r.GetArchived() { logger.WithField("repo", r.GetFullName()).Debug("Repo is archived, not processing") wg.Done() continue } repos <- r } } func processRepo(ctx context.Context, logger *log.Entry, client *github.Client, repo *github.Repository) error { logger.Debug("Fetching branches") branches, err := fetchBranchesForRepo(ctx, client, repo) if err != nil { return err } // Iterate and look at every branch for _, b := range branches { branchLogger := logger.WithField("branch", b.GetName()) // Do never touch the default branch if b.GetName() == repo.GetDefaultBranch() { branchLogger.Debug("Default branch, don't touch") continue } // Fetch full branch information containing commit information if b, _, err = client.Repositories.GetBranch(ctx, repo.Owner.GetLogin(), repo.GetName(), b.GetName()); err != nil { branchLogger.WithError(err).Error("Could not update branch to fetch commit info") continue } // Fetch all PRs for this repo and if it is a fork also for the fork prs, err := fetchPullRequestsForBranch(ctx, client, repo, b) if err != nil { branchLogger.WithError(err).Error("Could not fetch pull-requests") continue } // Check whether the branch is ahead of the base branch branchLogger.WithFields(log.Fields{"base": repo.GetDefaultBranch(), "head": b.GetName()}).Debug("Comparing branch") comp, _, err := client.Repositories.CompareCommits(ctx, repo.Owner.GetLogin(), repo.GetName(), repo.GetDefaultBranch(), b.GetName()) if err != nil { branchLogger.WithError(err).Error("Could not compare branches") continue } branchLogger = branchLogger.WithFields(log.Fields{"ahead": comp.GetAheadBy(), "behind": comp.GetBehindBy()}) branchLogger.Debug("Comparison successful") // Determine when the last commit was authored and committed, take newer date branchLastModified := time.Duration(math.Min( float64(time.Since(b.GetCommit().GetCommit().GetAuthor().GetDate())), float64(time.Since(b.GetCommit().GetCommit().GetCommitter().GetDate())), )) d, _ := duration.CustomHumanizeDuration(branchLastModified, humanizeTemplate) branchLogger = branchLogger.WithField("age", d) // Check all PRs whether they match the branch (head) and are merged hasValidMerge, hasOpenPR := analysePullRequests(branchLogger, prs, b) if hasOpenPR { continue } switch { case hasValidMerge: deleteBranch(ctx, branchLogger, client, repo, b, "PR exists and is merged") case comp.GetAheadBy() == 0 && branchLastModified > cfg.EvenTimeout: deleteBranch(ctx, branchLogger, client, repo, b, "Branch is even and older than even-timeout") case comp.GetAheadBy() > 0 && cfg.DeleteStale && branchLastModified > cfg.BranchStaleness: deleteBranch(ctx, branchLogger, client, repo, b, "Branch is stale and delete-stale is set") case comp.GetAheadBy() > 0 && !cfg.DeleteStale && branchLastModified > cfg.BranchStaleness: // Warn target when stale branches are not to be deleted branchLogger.Warn("Stale branch found") default: branchLogger.Debug("No reason for deletion found") } } return nil } func repoWalk(ctx context.Context, logger *log.Entry, client *github.Client, wg *sync.WaitGroup, repos <-chan *github.Repository) { limiter := make(chan struct{}, cfg.RepoProcessLimit) for repo := range repos { limiter <- struct{}{} go func(ctx context.Context, logger *log.Entry, client *github.Client, wg *sync.WaitGroup, repo *github.Repository, limiter <-chan struct{}) { defer func() { <-limiter wg.Done() }() repoLogger := logger.WithField("repo", repo.GetFullName()) if err := processRepo(ctx, repoLogger, client, repo); err != nil { repoLogger.WithError(err).Error("Repo processing caused an error") } }(ctx, logger, client, wg, repo, limiter) } }