This tool is intended to clean up branches in repositories having many contributors with several pull-requests: Most of the time people tend to forget to delete the branch after merging the pull-request and branches pile up. Running `clean-github-branches` against the repo will find
- branches whose corresponding pull-requests are merged and delete them
- branches not being ahead of the base branch and delete them after a configurable duration
- branches being stale and optionally delete them after a configurable duration
## Usage
$ clean-github-branches --help
Usage of clean-github-branches:
--branch-staleness duration When to see a branch as stale (default 90d) (default 2160h0m0s)
--delete-stale Delete branches after branch-staleness even if ahead of base
-n, --dry-run Do a dry-run (take no destructive action) (default true)
--even-timeout duration When to delete a branch which is not ahead of base (default 24h0m0s)
--listen string Port/IP to listen on (default ":3000")
All parameters causing destructive actions are set to sane defaults: By default a `dry-run` is done which prevents any deletion. Also `delete-stale` is disabled as it might cause data loss as the branch is not merged and all commits in it will be lost.