#!/bin/bash if ! (which vault >/dev/null); then error "vault is required." exit 2 fi # If we can list the environments there is no need to unlock the database if (awsenv list >/dev/null 2>&1); then echo "Database already unlocked." exit 0 fi # Retrieve key from LastPass PWD=$(vault read -field=passphrase "/secret/private/awsenv") # In case Vault exitted non-zero we have no password if ! [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Unable to get password. Not trying to unlock." exit 1 fi # Fill password to ssh-add utility expect <<EOF >/dev/null spawn -ignore HUP awsenv unlock expect "Password: " send "$PWD\n" expect "Database unlocked." expect eof EOF # Check whether awsenv was unlocked if (awsenv list >/dev/null 2>&1); then echo "Database unlocked successfully" exit 0 else echo "Found passphrase but could not unlock database." exit 1 fi