# Derived from https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/blob/master/.golangci.example.yml --- run: # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m timeout: 5m # Force readonly modules usage for checking modules-download-mode: readonly output: format: tab issues: # This disables the included exclude-list in golangci-lint as that # list for example fully hides G304 gosec rule, errcheck, exported # rule of revive and other errors one really wants to see. # Smme detail: https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/issues/456 exclude-use-default: false # Don't limit the number of shown issues: Report ALL of them max-issues-per-linter: 0 max-same-issues: 0 linters: disable-all: true enable: - asciicheck # Simple linter to check that your code does not contain non-ASCII identifiers [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - bidichk # Checks for dangerous unicode character sequences [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - bodyclose # checks whether HTTP response body is closed successfully [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - containedctx # containedctx is a linter that detects struct contained context.Context field [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - contextcheck # check the function whether use a non-inherited context [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - deadcode # Finds unused code [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - depguard # Go linter that checks if package imports are in a list of acceptable packages [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - dogsled # Checks assignments with too many blank identifiers (e.g. x, _, _, _, := f()) [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - durationcheck # check for two durations multiplied together [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - errcheck # Errcheck is a program for checking for unchecked errors in go programs. These unchecked errors can be critical bugs in some cases [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - errchkjson # Checks types passed to the json encoding functions. Reports unsupported types and optionally reports occations, where the check for the returned error can be omitted. [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - exportloopref # checks for pointers to enclosing loop variables [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - forbidigo # Forbids identifiers [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - funlen # Tool for detection of long functions [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - gocognit # Computes and checks the cognitive complexity of functions [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - goconst # Finds repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - gocritic # The most opinionated Go source code linter [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - gocyclo # Computes and checks the cyclomatic complexity of functions [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - godox # Tool for detection of FIXME, TODO and other comment keywords [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - gofmt # Gofmt checks whether code was gofmt-ed. By default this tool runs with -s option to check for code simplification [fast: true, auto-fix: true] - gofumpt # Gofumpt checks whether code was gofumpt-ed. [fast: true, auto-fix: true] - goimports # Goimports does everything that gofmt does. Additionally it checks unused imports [fast: true, auto-fix: true] - gomnd # An analyzer to detect magic numbers. [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - gosec # Inspects source code for security problems [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - gosimple # Linter for Go source code that specializes in simplifying a code [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - govet # Vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - ineffassign # Detects when assignments to existing variables are not used [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - misspell # Finds commonly misspelled English words in comments [fast: true, auto-fix: true] - nakedret # Finds naked returns in functions greater than a specified function length [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - nilerr # Finds the code that returns nil even if it checks that the error is not nil. [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - nilnil # Checks that there is no simultaneous return of `nil` error and an invalid value. [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - noctx # noctx finds sending http request without context.Context [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - nolintlint # Reports ill-formed or insufficient nolint directives [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - revive # Fast, configurable, extensible, flexible, and beautiful linter for Go. Drop-in replacement of golint. [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - staticcheck # Staticcheck is a go vet on steroids, applying a ton of static analysis checks [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - structcheck # Finds unused struct fields [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - stylecheck # Stylecheck is a replacement for golint [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - tenv # tenv is analyzer that detects using os.Setenv instead of t.Setenv since Go1.17 [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - typecheck # Like the front-end of a Go compiler, parses and type-checks Go code [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - unconvert # Remove unnecessary type conversions [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - unused # Checks Go code for unused constants, variables, functions and types [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - varcheck # Finds unused global variables and constants [fast: true, auto-fix: false] - wastedassign # wastedassign finds wasted assignment statements. [fast: false, auto-fix: false] - wrapcheck # Checks that errors returned from external packages are wrapped [fast: false, auto-fix: false] linters-settings: forbidigo: forbid: - 'fmt\.Errorf' # Should use github.com/pkg/errors funlen: lines: 100 statements: 60 gocyclo: # minimal code complexity to report, 30 by default (but we recommend 10-20) min-complexity: 15 gomnd: settings: mnd: ignored-functions: 'strconv.(?:Format|Parse)\B+' revive: rules: #- name: add-constant # Suggests using constant for magic numbers and string literals # Opinion: Makes sense for strings, not for numbers but checks numbers #- name: argument-limit # Specifies the maximum number of arguments a function can receive | Opinion: Don't need this - name: atomic # Check for common mistaken usages of the `sync/atomic` package - name: banned-characters # Checks banned characters in identifiers arguments: - 'Íž' # Greek question mark - name: bare-return # Warns on bare returns - name: blank-imports # Disallows blank imports - name: bool-literal-in-expr # Suggests removing Boolean literals from logic expressions - name: call-to-gc # Warns on explicit call to the garbage collector #- name: cognitive-complexity # Sets restriction for maximum Cognitive complexity. # There is a dedicated linter for this - name: confusing-naming # Warns on methods with names that differ only by capitalization - name: confusing-results # Suggests to name potentially confusing function results - name: constant-logical-expr # Warns on constant logical expressions - name: context-as-argument # `context.Context` should be the first argument of a function. - name: context-keys-type # Disallows the usage of basic types in `context.WithValue`. #- name: cyclomatic # Sets restriction for maximum Cyclomatic complexity. # There is a dedicated linter for this #- name: datarace # Spots potential dataraces # Is not (yet) available? - name: deep-exit # Looks for program exits in funcs other than `main()` or `init()` - name: defer # Warns on some [defer gotchas](https://blog.learngoprogramming.com/5-gotchas-of-defer-in-go-golang-part-iii-36a1ab3d6ef1) - name: dot-imports # Forbids `.` imports. - name: duplicated-imports # Looks for packages that are imported two or more times - name: early-return # Spots if-then-else statements that can be refactored to simplify code reading - name: empty-block # Warns on empty code blocks - name: empty-lines # Warns when there are heading or trailing newlines in a block - name: errorf # Should replace `errors.New(fmt.Sprintf())` with `fmt.Errorf()` - name: error-naming # Naming of error variables. - name: error-return # The error return parameter should be last. - name: error-strings # Conventions around error strings. - name: exported # Naming and commenting conventions on exported symbols. arguments: ['sayRepetitiveInsteadOfStutters'] #- name: file-header # Header which each file should have. # Useless without config, have no config for it - name: flag-parameter # Warns on boolean parameters that create a control coupling #- name: function-length # Warns on functions exceeding the statements or lines max # There is a dedicated linter for this #- name: function-result-limit # Specifies the maximum number of results a function can return # Opinion: Don't need this - name: get-return # Warns on getters that do not yield any result - name: identical-branches # Spots if-then-else statements with identical `then` and `else` branches - name: if-return # Redundant if when returning an error. #- name: imports-blacklist # Disallows importing the specified packages # Useless without config, have no config for it - name: import-shadowing # Spots identifiers that shadow an import - name: increment-decrement # Use `i++` and `i--` instead of `i += 1` and `i -= 1`. - name: indent-error-flow # Prevents redundant else statements. #- name: line-length-limit # Specifies the maximum number of characters in a lined # There is a dedicated linter for this #- name: max-public-structs # The maximum number of public structs in a file. # Opinion: Don't need this - name: modifies-parameter # Warns on assignments to function parameters - name: modifies-value-receiver # Warns on assignments to value-passed method receivers #- name: nested-structs # Warns on structs within structs # Opinion: Don't need this - name: optimize-operands-order # Checks inefficient conditional expressions #- name: package-comments # Package commenting conventions. # Opinion: Don't need this - name: range # Prevents redundant variables when iterating over a collection. - name: range-val-address # Warns if address of range value is used dangerously - name: range-val-in-closure # Warns if range value is used in a closure dispatched as goroutine - name: receiver-naming # Conventions around the naming of receivers. - name: redefines-builtin-id # Warns on redefinitions of builtin identifiers #- name: string-format # Warns on specific string literals that fail one or more user-configured regular expressions # Useless without config, have no config for it - name: string-of-int # Warns on suspicious casts from int to string - name: struct-tag # Checks common struct tags like `json`,`xml`,`yaml` - name: superfluous-else # Prevents redundant else statements (extends indent-error-flow) - name: time-equal # Suggests to use `time.Time.Equal` instead of `==` and `!=` for equality check time. - name: time-naming # Conventions around the naming of time variables. - name: unconditional-recursion # Warns on function calls that will lead to (direct) infinite recursion - name: unexported-naming # Warns on wrongly named un-exported symbols - name: unexported-return # Warns when a public return is from unexported type. - name: unhandled-error # Warns on unhandled errors returned by funcion calls - name: unnecessary-stmt # Suggests removing or simplifying unnecessary statements - name: unreachable-code # Warns on unreachable code - name: unused-parameter # Suggests to rename or remove unused function parameters - name: unused-receiver # Suggests to rename or remove unused method receivers #- name: use-any # Proposes to replace `interface{}` with its alias `any` # Is not (yet) available? - name: useless-break # Warns on useless `break` statements in case clauses - name: var-declaration # Reduces redundancies around variable declaration. - name: var-naming # Naming rules. - name: waitgroup-by-value # Warns on functions taking sync.WaitGroup as a by-value parameter ...