## Brew installed binaries export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH ## Activate go using gimme if any go version is available GO_VER=$(curl -sSLf -m 2 'https://latest.luzifer.io/catalog-api/golang/latest.txt?p=version') if [ -e "${HOME}/.gimme/envs/go${GO_VER}.env" ]; then source "${HOME}/.gimme/envs/go${GO_VER}.env" else echo "Your Go version is outdated (latest would be ${GO_VER})" source "${HOME}/.gimme/envs/latest.env" fi ## Custom scripts export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH source $HOME/.zsh/go-binaries.sh ## Local installed pip package binaries export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin ## Some default settings export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim export BROWSER=/bin/echo # enable usage of `hub browse` on remote machines export AUTOGOPATH_DEFAULT=$HOME/gocode export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_CTYPE=${LANG} export TZ="Europe/Berlin" ## Map alt+← and alt+→ to move cursor word wise bindkey -e bindkey '^[[1;9C' forward-word bindkey '^[[1;9D' backward-word ## Aliases alias alpine='docker run --rm -ti alpine /bin/sh' alias gometalinter='gometalinter --enable-all -D aligncheck -D errcheck -D lll --cyclo-over=15 -e bindata.go --vendor' alias mysql='docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) mysql bash' alias :q='exit' ## Initialize GPG agent source ${HOME}/.zsh/gpg-agent.plugin.zsh ## Load config-git functions source ${HOME}/.zsh/config-git.zsh ## Load local-config if available [ -e ${HOME}/.zsh/local-config.zsh ] && source ${HOME}/.zsh/local-config.zsh ## Clean PATH from duplicates PATH=$(python -c 'import os; out=[]; [out.append(i) for i in os.environ["PATH"].split(":") if not out.count(i)]; print ":".join(out)')