# luzifer.zsh-theme # Use with a dark background and 256-color terminal! # Meant for people with RVM and git. Tested only on OS X 10.7. # You can set your computer name in the ~/.box-name file if you want. # Borrowing shamelessly from these oh-my-zsh themes: # bira # robbyrussell # # Also borrowing from http://stevelosh.com/blog/2010/02/my-extravagant-zsh-prompt/ function prompt_char { git branch >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo '⠠⠵' && return echo '○' } function box_color { [ -f ~/.box_color ] && cat ~/.box_color || ~/bin/color_from_hostname.py } function box_name { [ -f ~/.box-name ] && cat ~/.box-name || echo ${SHORT_HOST:-$HOST} } function git_describe { git describe --tags 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null || echo "" } function awsenv_prompt { local pr=$(awsenv prompt 2>/dev/null) [ -z "${pr}" ] || echo "${bracket_open} ${pr} ${bracket_close}" } function config-git_prompt { if [ -f ~/bin/config-git-status.sh ]; then if ! ( ~/bin/config-git-status.sh ); then echo "${bracket_open} %{$fg[red]%} ${bracket_close}" fi fi } function build_git_prompt { $( test "${NO_RIGHT}" = "true" ) && return git branch >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || return local INDEX=$(command git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null) echo -n "${bracket_open} %{$fg[blue]%}" local REMOTE=$(command git remote -v | grep fetch) (echo "$REMOTE" | grep -q bitbucket.org) && echo -n "B " (echo "$REMOTE" | grep -q github.com) && echo -n "G " (echo "$REMOTE" | grep -q gitlab.com) && echo -n "L " echo -n "%{$reset_color%}" echo -n "$(git_current_branch) " echo -n "($(git_describe)) " # Repository status echo -n "%{$FG[236]%}" ( echo "$INDEX" | grep -E '^\?\? ' &> /dev/null ) && echo -n "%{$fg[blue]%}" echo -n "U%{$FG[236]%}" ( echo "$INDEX" | grep -E '^(A |M ) ' &> /dev/null ) && echo -n "%{$fg[green]%}" echo -n "A%{$FG[236]%}" ( echo "$INDEX" | grep -E '^( M|AM| T) ' &> /dev/null ) && echo -n "%{$fg[yellow]%}" echo -n "M%{$FG[236]%}" ( echo "$INDEX" | grep -E '^R ' &> /dev/null ) && echo -n "%{$fg[yellow]%}" echo -n "R%{$FG[236]%}" ( echo "$INDEX" | grep -E '^( D|D |AD) ' &> /dev/null ) && echo -n "%{$fg[red]%}" echo -n "D%{$FG[236]%}" ( git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1 ) && echo -n "%{$fg[green]%}" echo -n "S%{$FG[236]%}" if ( echo "$INDEX" | grep '^## .*ahead.*behind' &> /dev/null ); then echo -n "%{$fg[red]%}↔" elif ( echo "$INDEX" | grep '^## .*ahead' &> /dev/null ); then echo -n "%{$fg[green]%}→" elif ( echo "$INDEX" | grep '^## .*behind' &> /dev/null ); then echo -n "%{$fg[yellow]%}←" else echo -n "%{$fg[green]%}=" fi echo -n "%{$reset_color%} ${bracket_close}" } local current_dir='$($HOME/bin/short_path)' local git_info='$(build_git_prompt)' local bracket_open="%{$FG[239]%}[%{$reset_color%}" local bracket_close="%{$FG[239]%}]%{$reset_color%}" local prompt_part_time="${bracket_open} %T ${bracket_close}" local prompt_part_user="${bracket_open} %{$FG[040]%}%n%{$reset_color%}%{$FG[239]%}@%{$reset_color%}%{$(box_color)%}$(box_name)%{$reset_color%} ${bracket_close}" local prompt_part_path="%{$terminfo[bold]$FG[226]%}${current_dir}%{$reset_color%}" local prompt_part_exit="%(?..${bracket_open} %{$fg[red]%}%?%{${reset_color}%} ${bracket_close})" local prompt_part_char='$(prompt_char)' local prompt_part_configgit='$(config-git_prompt)' PROMPT=" ╭─ ${prompt_part_time}${prompt_part_user}${prompt_part_configgit}$(awsenv_prompt)${prompt_part_exit} ${prompt_part_path} ╰─${prompt_part_char} " RPROMPT="${git_info}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="" # Format for git_prompt_long_sha() and git_prompt_short_sha() ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_BEFORE="" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_AFTER=""