#!/bin/bash -e STEP_COLOR="\033[0;36m" NO_COLOR="\033[0m" function step { echo -e ${STEP_COLOR}[$(date +%H:%M:%S)] $1${NO_COLOR} } ### Determine what to push step "Collect refs to push to origin" CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git branch --list | awk '/^\*/{print $2}') REQUIRED=$(git show-ref --tags | grep -v -F "$(git ls-remote --tags origin | grep -v '\^{}' | cut -f 2)" | cut -d '/' -f 3 | xargs) if ( test "$(git show-ref refs/heads/${CURRENT_BRANCH} | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" != "$(git show-ref refs/remotes/origin/${CURRENT_BRANCH} | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" ); then REQUIRED="${REQUIRED} ${CURRENT_BRANCH}" fi if [ -z "${REQUIRED}" ]; then exit 0 fi step "Execute pre-push auto-hook" git autohook pre-push step "Execute pushes..." git push origin ${REQUIRED} "$@" step "Execute post-push auto-hook" git autohook post-push