! Title: Personal Clean-Web ! Checksum: JgVtTDWyxTDNMsAsmKxoaw ! Description: List of filter rules for uBlock Origin to enhance the browsing privacy and replace Ghostery ! Expires: 1 hour ! TimeUpdated: 2018-06-13T07:52:40+00:00 ! Homepage: https://github.com/Luzifer/browser-privacy ! License: https://unlicense.org/ ! ---- Global filters ---- ! On every page block third-party scripts and frames *$script,third-party *$subdocument,third-party ! Welcome to the EU - Remove CookieConsent ||cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/*$important,script ! Many pages rely on CDNs - allow scripts except of a blocking rule @@||ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/*$script @@||cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/*$script @@||cdn.jsdelivr.net^$script @@||code.jquery.com^$script @@||maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/*$script ! Allow loading fonts from TypeKit @@||use.typekit.net^$script ! Allow embedding of YouTube videos @@||www.youtube.com/embed/*$subdocument ! Override allowed analytics in EasyPrivacy ||cdn.segment.com/analytics.js/*$important,script ! ---- Application specific filters ---- ! APP: Amazon Prime Video - https://www.amazon.de/ ! Allow loading sources to enable Prime Video playback @@||aiv-cdn.net^$script,domain=www.amazon.de @@||ssl-images-amazon.com^$script,domain=www.amazon.de ! APP: Fonts.com - https://www.fonts.com/ ! Scripts hosted on a CDN, required to work at all @@||fast.fonts.net^$script,domain=www.fonts.com ! The SkyFonts integration is using a script loaded from localhost ! through a custom hostname and needs to be allowed in order for the ! SkyFonts application to be able to add fonts through this trigger @@||local.skyfonts.com:51001^$script,domain=www.fonts.com ! APP: Google ... - https://*.google.com/ ! Allow Google to load its own assets @@||maps.googleapis.com^$script,domain=google.com @@||ssl.gstatic.com^$script,domain=google.com @@||www.gstatic.com^$script,domain=google.com ! APP: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/ ! Scripts hosted on a CDN, required to work at all @@||static.licdn.com^$script,domain=www.linkedin.com ! APP: Mailgun - https://app.mailgun.com/ @@||js.stripe.com^$domain=app.mailgun.com @@||m.stripe.network^$subdocument,domain=js.stripe.com @@||static.zdassets.com$script,domain=app.mailgun.com ! APP: PaS(t)3 - https://paste.luzifer.io/ ! Site is using Google Login @@||accounts.google.com^$subdocument,domain=paste.luzifer.io @@||apis.google.com^$script,domain=paste.luzifer.io ! APP: PayPal - https://www.paypal.com/ ! Scripts hosted on a CDN, required to work at all @@||www.paypalobjects.com^$script,domain=www.paypal.com ! APP: pubg.op.gg - https://pubg.op.gg/ ! Scripts hosted on a CDN, required to work at all @@||opgg-pubg-static.akamaized.net^$script,domain=pubg.op.gg ! APP: Slack - https://*.slack.com/ ! Scripts hosted on a CDN, required to work at all @@||a.slack-edge.com^$script,domain=slack.com ! APP: ToDoist - https://todoist.com/ ! Scripts hosted on a CDN, required to work at all @@||d3ptyyxy2at9ui.cloudfront.net^$script,domain=todoist.com ! APP: Trello - https://trello.com/ ! Scripts hosted on a CDN, required to work at all - still blocking newrelic @@||trellocdn.com^$script,domain=trello.com ||trellocdn.com/dist/newrelic*$important,script,domain=trello.com ! APP: TweetDeck - https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/ ! Scripts hosted on Twitter CDN, required to work at all - still blocking GA ||ton.twimg.com/tweetdeck-web/web/scripts/google_analytics.*$important,script,domain=tweetdeck.twitter.com @@||ton.twimg.com^$script,domain=tweetdeck.twitter.com ! Allow playback of videos hosted on Twitter using internal player @@||abs.twimg.com/web-video-player/*$script,domain=twitter.com ! APP: YNAB - https://app.youneedabudget.com/ ! Scripts hosted on a CDN, required to work at all @@||evergreen-production-youneedabudgetco.netdna-ssl.com^$script,domain=app.youneedabudget.com ! vim: set ft=abp: