package svg // generated by hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go; DO NOT EDIT, except for adding more constants to the list and rerun go generate // uses //go:generate hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go // Hash defines perfect hashes for a predefined list of strings type Hash uint32 // Unique hash definitions to be used instead of strings const ( A Hash = 0x101 // a Alignment_Baseline Hash = 0x2e12 // alignment-baseline BaseProfile Hash = 0xb // baseProfile Baseline_Shift Hash = 0x380e // baseline-shift Buffered_Rendering Hash = 0x5212 // buffered-rendering Clip Hash = 0x6404 // clip Clip_Path Hash = 0x6409 // clip-path Clip_Rule Hash = 0x8009 // clip-rule Color Hash = 0xd805 // color Color_Interpolation Hash = 0xd813 // color-interpolation Color_Interpolation_Filters Hash = 0xd81b // color-interpolation-filters Color_Profile Hash = 0x1ea0d // color-profile Color_Rendering Hash = 0x2110f // color-rendering ContentScriptType Hash = 0xa011 // contentScriptType ContentStyleType Hash = 0xb110 // contentStyleType Cursor Hash = 0xc106 // cursor D Hash = 0x5901 // d Defs Hash = 0x34b04 // defs Direction Hash = 0x2f109 // direction Display Hash = 0x9807 // display Dominant_Baseline Hash = 0x18511 // dominant-baseline Enable_Background Hash = 0x8811 // enable-background Fill Hash = 0xc904 // fill Fill_Opacity Hash = 0x31f0c // fill-opacity Fill_Rule Hash = 0xc909 // fill-rule Filter Hash = 0xec06 // filter Flood_Color Hash = 0xd20b // flood-color Flood_Opacity Hash = 0x1010d // flood-opacity Font Hash = 0x11004 // font Font_Family Hash = 0x1100b // font-family Font_Size Hash = 0x11b09 // font-size Font_Size_Adjust Hash = 0x11b10 // font-size-adjust Font_Stretch Hash = 0x1330c // font-stretch Font_Style Hash = 0x13f0a // font-style Font_Variant Hash = 0x1490c // font-variant Font_Weight Hash = 0x1620b // font-weight G Hash = 0x1601 // g Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal Hash = 0x1c61c // glyph-orientation-horizontal Glyph_Orientation_Vertical Hash = 0x161a // glyph-orientation-vertical Height Hash = 0x6c06 // height Image_Rendering Hash = 0x16d0f // image-rendering Kerning Hash = 0x1af07 // kerning Letter_Spacing Hash = 0x90e // letter-spacing Lighting_Color Hash = 0x1e10e // lighting-color Line Hash = 0x3c04 // line Marker Hash = 0x17c06 // marker Marker_End Hash = 0x17c0a // marker-end Marker_Mid Hash = 0x1960a // marker-mid Marker_Start Hash = 0x1a00c // marker-start Mask Hash = 0x1ac04 // mask Metadata Hash = 0x1b608 // metadata Missing_Glyph Hash = 0x1be0d // missing-glyph Opacity Hash = 0x10707 // opacity Overflow Hash = 0x25308 // overflow Paint_Order Hash = 0x2930b // paint-order Path Hash = 0x6904 // path Pattern Hash = 0x1f707 // pattern Pointer_Events Hash = 0x1fe0e // pointer-events Points Hash = 0x22006 // points Polygon Hash = 0x23207 // polygon Polyline Hash = 0x23908 // polyline PreserveAspectRatio Hash = 0x24113 // preserveAspectRatio Rect Hash = 0x2f304 // rect Rx Hash = 0x4f02 // rx Ry Hash = 0xc602 // ry Shape_Rendering Hash = 0xf20f // shape-rendering Solid_Color Hash = 0x20b0b // solid-color Solid_Opacity Hash = 0x2250d // solid-opacity Stop_Color Hash = 0x1290a // stop-color Stop_Opacity Hash = 0x34e0c // stop-opacity Stroke Hash = 0x26506 // stroke Stroke_Dasharray Hash = 0x26510 // stroke-dasharray Stroke_Dashoffset Hash = 0x27511 // stroke-dashoffset Stroke_Linecap Hash = 0x2860e // stroke-linecap Stroke_Linejoin Hash = 0x29e0f // stroke-linejoin Stroke_Miterlimit Hash = 0x2ad11 // stroke-miterlimit Stroke_Opacity Hash = 0x2be0e // stroke-opacity Stroke_Width Hash = 0x2cc0c // stroke-width Style Hash = 0x14405 // style Svg Hash = 0x2d803 // svg Switch Hash = 0x2db06 // switch Symbol Hash = 0x2e106 // symbol Text_Anchor Hash = 0x450b // text-anchor Text_Decoration Hash = 0x710f // text-decoration Text_Rendering Hash = 0x1540e // text-rendering Type Hash = 0x10c04 // type Unicode_Bidi Hash = 0x2e70c // unicode-bidi Vector_Effect Hash = 0x2fa0d // vector-effect Version Hash = 0x30707 // version ViewBox Hash = 0x30e07 // viewBox Viewport_Fill Hash = 0x3160d // viewport-fill Viewport_Fill_Opacity Hash = 0x31615 // viewport-fill-opacity Visibility Hash = 0x32b0a // visibility White_Space Hash = 0x25a0b // white-space Width Hash = 0x2d305 // width Word_Spacing Hash = 0x3350c // word-spacing Writing_Mode Hash = 0x3410c // writing-mode X Hash = 0x4701 // x X1 Hash = 0x5002 // x1 X2 Hash = 0x31402 // x2 Xml_Space Hash = 0x35a09 // xml:space Y Hash = 0x1801 // y Y1 Hash = 0x9e02 // y1 Y2 Hash = 0xc702 // y2 ) // String returns the hash' name. func (i Hash) String() string { start := uint32(i >> 8) n := uint32(i & 0xff) if start+n > uint32(len(_Hash_text)) { return "" } return _Hash_text[start : start+n] } // ToHash returns the hash whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no // such hash. It is case sensitive. func ToHash(s []byte) Hash { if len(s) == 0 || len(s) > _Hash_maxLen { return 0 } h := uint32(_Hash_hash0) for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { h ^= uint32(s[i]) h *= 16777619 } if i := _Hash_table[h&uint32(len(_Hash_table)-1)]; int(i&0xff) == len(s) { t := _Hash_text[i>>8 : i>>8+i&0xff] for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { if t[i] != s[i] { goto NEXT } } return i } NEXT: if i := _Hash_table[(h>>16)&uint32(len(_Hash_table)-1)]; int(i&0xff) == len(s) { t := _Hash_text[i>>8 : i>>8+i&0xff] for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { if t[i] != s[i] { return 0 } } return i } return 0 } const _Hash_hash0 = 0xf7ffa4d4 const _Hash_maxLen = 28 const _Hash_text = "baseProfiletter-spacinglyph-orientation-verticalignment-base" + "line-shiftext-anchorx1buffered-renderingclip-patheightext-de" + "corationclip-rulenable-backgroundisplay1contentScriptTypecon" + "tentStyleTypecursory2fill-ruleflood-color-interpolation-filt" + "ershape-renderingflood-opacitypefont-familyfont-size-adjusto" + "p-colorfont-stretchfont-stylefont-variantext-renderingfont-w" + "eightimage-renderingmarker-endominant-baselinemarker-midmark" + "er-startmaskerningmetadatamissing-glyph-orientation-horizont" + "alighting-color-profilepatternpointer-eventsolid-color-rende" + "ringpointsolid-opacitypolygonpolylinepreserveAspectRatioverf" + "lowhite-spacestroke-dasharraystroke-dashoffsetstroke-linecap" + "aint-orderstroke-linejoinstroke-miterlimitstroke-opacitystro" + "ke-widthsvgswitchsymbolunicode-bidirectionvector-effectversi" + "onviewBox2viewport-fill-opacityvisibilityword-spacingwriting" + "-modefstop-opacityxml:space" var _Hash_table = [1 << 7]Hash{ 0x0: 0x18511, // dominant-baseline 0x1: 0x1b608, // metadata 0x2: 0x11b10, // font-size-adjust 0x3: 0x11004, // font 0x4: 0x2d305, // width 0x5: 0x34b04, // defs 0x6: 0x450b, // text-anchor 0x7: 0x2fa0d, // vector-effect 0x8: 0x6904, // path 0x9: 0x13f0a, // font-style 0xa: 0x2d803, // svg 0xb: 0x2ad11, // stroke-miterlimit 0xc: 0x1c61c, // glyph-orientation-horizontal 0xd: 0x17c06, // marker 0xe: 0xa011, // contentScriptType 0xf: 0x1490c, // font-variant 0x10: 0x2e106, // symbol 0x11: 0x1fe0e, // pointer-events 0x12: 0x9e02, // y1 0x13: 0x1be0d, // missing-glyph 0x14: 0x1010d, // flood-opacity 0x16: 0x3410c, // writing-mode 0x18: 0x3350c, // word-spacing 0x1b: 0xc106, // cursor 0x1d: 0x4f02, // rx 0x1e: 0x34e0c, // stop-opacity 0x21: 0xec06, // filter 0x22: 0x2f304, // rect 0x25: 0x2e70c, // unicode-bidi 0x26: 0x8811, // enable-background 0x27: 0x6c06, // height 0x28: 0x26510, // stroke-dasharray 0x2a: 0xd805, // color 0x2c: 0x31402, // x2 0x2e: 0x17c0a, // marker-end 0x2f: 0x5002, // x1 0x30: 0x23908, // polyline 0x31: 0xc602, // ry 0x32: 0x25308, // overflow 0x33: 0x1ac04, // mask 0x34: 0x3160d, // viewport-fill 0x35: 0x31f0c, // fill-opacity 0x36: 0x5212, // buffered-rendering 0x38: 0xd81b, // color-interpolation-filters 0x39: 0x1540e, // text-rendering 0x3a: 0x23207, // polygon 0x3b: 0x710f, // text-decoration 0x3c: 0x10c04, // type 0x3d: 0x11b09, // font-size 0x3e: 0x1a00c, // marker-start 0x3f: 0x1ea0d, // color-profile 0x40: 0x22006, // points 0x41: 0x1330c, // font-stretch 0x42: 0x1290a, // stop-color 0x43: 0x9807, // display 0x44: 0x4701, // x 0x45: 0x20b0b, // solid-color 0x46: 0x3c04, // line 0x47: 0x6409, // clip-path 0x48: 0x30707, // version 0x49: 0x1601, // g 0x4b: 0x8009, // clip-rule 0x4d: 0x2db06, // switch 0x4f: 0x10707, // opacity 0x50: 0xd813, // color-interpolation 0x51: 0x2cc0c, // stroke-width 0x52: 0x6404, // clip 0x53: 0x2110f, // color-rendering 0x54: 0x26506, // stroke 0x55: 0x2f109, // direction 0x56: 0x1e10e, // lighting-color 0x57: 0x1801, // y 0x59: 0x14405, // style 0x5a: 0x380e, // baseline-shift 0x5c: 0xc904, // fill 0x5d: 0xf20f, // shape-rendering 0x5f: 0x2860e, // stroke-linecap 0x60: 0x27511, // stroke-dashoffset 0x61: 0x2930b, // paint-order 0x63: 0x2250d, // solid-opacity 0x64: 0x2e12, // alignment-baseline 0x65: 0x25a0b, // white-space 0x66: 0x1f707, // pattern 0x67: 0x2be0e, // stroke-opacity 0x68: 0x32b0a, // visibility 0x6a: 0x30e07, // viewBox 0x6b: 0x90e, // letter-spacing 0x6c: 0x1100b, // font-family 0x6d: 0xb110, // contentStyleType 0x6f: 0x101, // a 0x70: 0x5901, // d 0x71: 0x29e0f, // stroke-linejoin 0x72: 0x31615, // viewport-fill-opacity 0x73: 0xb, // baseProfile 0x74: 0x16d0f, // image-rendering 0x75: 0x24113, // preserveAspectRatio 0x76: 0xd20b, // flood-color 0x77: 0x1960a, // marker-mid 0x78: 0x1af07, // kerning 0x7a: 0x1620b, // font-weight 0x7b: 0x161a, // glyph-orientation-vertical 0x7d: 0x35a09, // xml:space 0x7e: 0xc909, // fill-rule 0x7f: 0xc702, // y2 }