// ==UserScript== // @name Automate CookieClicker // @namespace https://luzifer.io/ // @version 0.19.1 // @description Automate everything! // @author Knut Ahlers // @source https://github.com/Luzifer/automate-cookie-clicker // @match http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/ // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Luzifer/automate-cookie-clicker/master/autocookieclicker.user.js // @icon http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/img/favicon.ico // @grant GM_info // ==/UserScript== /* global Game:false, GM_info:false */ let blockingUpgrades = [ 69, // Destructive upgrade: "One mind" ]; let purchaseSteps = 50; function autoClick() { Game.ClickCookie(); } function executeAutoActions() { if (Game.T % (Game.fps * 0.5) !== 0) { // Game logic ticks very fast, only trigger every 0.5s return; } // Click all golden cookies Game.shimmers.forEach(obj => obj.pop()); // Get rid of wrinklers while (Game.wrinklers.filter(obj => obj.hp > 0 && obj.phase > 0).length > 0) { Game.PopRandomWrinkler(); } // Harvest sugar lumps if ((new Date() - Game.lumpT) > Game.lumpRipeAge) { Game.harvestLumps(1); } // Look for upgrades being available let availableUpgrades = Game.UpgradesInStore.filter(obj => obj.canBuy() && !blockingUpgrades.includes(obj.id)); while (availableUpgrades.length > 0) { let upgrade = availableUpgrades[0]; upgrade.buy(); note(`Purchased upgrade ${upgrade.name} for you.`); availableUpgrades = Game.UpgradesInStore.filter(obj => obj.canBuy() && !blockingUpgrades.includes(obj.id)); } // Get the top enabled purchase to be made let availableProducts = Game.ObjectsById.filter(obj => obj.price < Game.cookies && obj.amount < getMaxBuy()); while (availableProducts.length > 0 && Game.buyMode === 1) { // buyMode 1 = buy, -1 = sell let product = availableProducts[availableProducts.length - 1]; for (let buyAmount = getMaxBuy() - product.amount; buyAmount > 0; buyAmount--) { if (product.getSumPrice(buyAmount) <= Game.cookies) { product.buy(buyAmount); note(`Purchased ${buyAmount} ${buyAmount === 1 ? product.name : product.plural} for you.`); break; } } availableProducts = Game.ObjectsById.filter(obj => obj.price < Game.cookies && obj.amount < getMaxBuy()); } manageDragon(); } function controlAutoClicker() { let cps = Game.cookiesPs; if (cps < 3000 || hasActiveClickBuff()) { if (window.autoClicker === undefined) { window.autoClicker = window.setInterval(autoClick, 100); } } else { if (window.autoClicker !== undefined) { window.clearInterval(window.autoClicker); window.autoClicker = undefined; } } } function getMaxBuy() { let topPurchaseCount = Game.ObjectsById[Game.ObjectsN - 1].amount; return Math.max(Math.ceil((topPurchaseCount + 1) / purchaseSteps), 1) * purchaseSteps; } function hasActiveClickBuff() { let hasBuff = false; for (let key in Game.buffs) { if (Game.buffs[key].multClick) hasBuff = true; } return hasBuff; } function installHelper() { // Startup notification let version = GM_info.script.version; note(`Version ${version} loaded.`); // Do not click toggle upgrades blockingUpgrades = blockingUpgrades.concat(Game.UpgradesByPool['toggle'].map(obj => obj.id)); Game.customChecks.push(controlAutoClicker); Game.customLogic.push(executeAutoActions); } function manageDragon() { // Upgrade dragon if possible if (Game.dragonLevels[Game.dragonLevel].cost() && Game.dragonLevel < Game.dragonLevels.length - 1) { Game.UpgradeDragon(); } // Choosing dragon aura is currently not possible :( // This will just open a select dialogue... } function note(msg, quick = true) { // Icon: img/icons.png 0-based indices Game.Notify('Auto-CookieClicker', msg, [12, 0], quick, true); } (() => window.setTimeout(installHelper, 1000))();