// ==UserScript== // @name Automate CookieClicker // @namespace https://luzifer.io/ // @version 0.11.1 // @description Automate everything! // @author Knut Ahlers // @source https://github.com/Luzifer/automate-cookie-clicker // @match http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/ // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Luzifer/automate-cookie-clicker/master/autocookieclicker.user.js // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== var blockingUpgrades = [ 69, // Destructive upgrade: "One mind" 85, // Revoke elders covenant 333, // Milk selector ]; var purchaseSteps = 50; function autoClick() { $('#bigCookie').click(); } function executeAutoActions() { // Click all golden cookies $('.shimmer').click(); // Look for upgrades being available let availableUpgrades = $('.upgrade.enabled').filter(upgradeFilter); if (availableUpgrades.length > 0) { debug(availableUpgrades.length + " upgrades available, buying now..."); availableUpgrades.click(); note('Purchased ' + availableUpgrades.length + ' upgrades for you.'); } // Get the top enabled purchase to be made let availableProducts = $('.product.unlocked.enabled').filter(productFilter); if (availableProducts.length > 0) { let product = $(availableProducts[availableProducts.length - 1]); debug("Auto-Buying: " + product.find('.title:first').text()); topPurchase.click(); note('Purchased ' + product.find('.title:first').text() + ' for you.'); } } function checkCPS() { let cps = Game.cookiesPs; if (cps < 3000) { if (window.autoClicker == undefined) { window.autoClicker = window.setInterval(autoClick, 1); } } else { if (window.autoClicker != undefined) { window.clearInterval(window.autoClicker); window.autoClicker = undefined; } } } function debug(msg) { console.log("[AutoCookieClicker] " + msg); } function getMaxBuy() { let topPurchaseCount = Game.ObjectsById[Game.ObjectsN - 1].amount; return Math.max(Math.ceil((topPurchaseCount + 1) / purchaseSteps), 1) * purchaseSteps; } function installHelper() { // Startup notification let version = GM_info.script.version; note('Version ' + version + ' loaded.'); window.checkCPS = window.setInterval(checkCPS, 1000); // Enable automatic purchasing of upgrades / elements window.autoPurchase = window.setInterval(executeAutoActions, 500); } function note(msg, quick = true) { // Icon: img/icons.png 0-based indices Game.Notify("Auto-CookieClicker", msg, [12, 0], quick, true); } function productFilter(idx) { let owned = Game.ObjectsById[parseInt($(this).attr('id').replace(/^product/, ''))].amount; return owned < getMaxBuy(); } function upgradeFilter(idx) { var onClickHandler = $(this).attr('onclick'); if (onClickHandler == null) { return false; } var upgradeID = parseInt(onClickHandler.replace(/^.*\[([0-9]+)\].*$/, "$1")); return !blockingUpgrades.includes(upgradeID); } (function() { 'use strict'; window.setTimeout(installHelper, 1000); })();