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Raw Normal View History

package aoc2019
import (
type day10MonitorGrid struct {
asteroidMap []byte
width int
func (d day10MonitorGrid) asteroidCount() int {
var count int
for _, c := range d.asteroidMap {
if c == '#' {
return count
func (d day10MonitorGrid) clone() *day10MonitorGrid {
var grid = &day10MonitorGrid{asteroidMap: make([]byte, len(d.asteroidMap)), width: d.width}
for i, c := range d.asteroidMap {
grid.asteroidMap[i] = c
return grid
func (d day10MonitorGrid) getAsteroidPositions() []int {
var knownPositions []int
for i, c := range d.asteroidMap {
if c != '#' {
// Not an asteroid, don't care
knownPositions = append(knownPositions, i)
return knownPositions
func (d day10MonitorGrid) getCleanedGrid(x, y int) *day10MonitorGrid {
// Clone the map to work on
var grid = d.clone()
// Collect positions of all known asteroids
var knownPositions = grid.getAsteroidPositions()
// Mark observer (does not count into observable asteroids)
grid.asteroidMap[grid.coordToPos(x, y)] = '@'
// Iterate all positions and remove covered (invisible) asteroids
for _, pos := range knownPositions {
var aX, aY = d.posToCoord(pos)
if grid.isObstructed(x, y, aX, aY) {
grid.asteroidMap[pos] = '-'
return grid
func (d *day10MonitorGrid) isObstructed(observX, observY, x, y int) bool {
var distX, distY = x - observX, y - observY
if distX == 0 && distY == 0 {
// No steps, observer equals asteroid, needless calculation
return false
var (
div = int(math.Abs(float64(greatestCommonDivisor(int64(distX), int64(distY)))))
stepX, stepY = distX / div, distY / div
for i := 1; i < math.MaxInt64; i++ {
var rPosX, rPosY = observX + stepX*i, observY + stepY*i
if rPosX < 0 || rPosX >= d.width || rPosY < 0 || rPosY >= len(d.asteroidMap)/d.width {
// Position outside grid, stop searching
panic(errors.Errorf("Observed position ran out of bounds (obsX=%d obsY=%d x=%d y=%d div=%d stepX=%d stepY=%d)", observX, observY, x, y, div, stepX, stepY))
if rPosX == x && rPosY == y {
return false
if d.asteroidMap[d.coordToPos(rPosX, rPosY)] == '#' {
return true
panic(errors.Errorf("Unreachable end was reached"))
func (d day10MonitorGrid) coordToPos(x, y int) int { return y*d.width + x }
func (d day10MonitorGrid) posToCoord(pos int) (int, int) { return pos % d.width, pos / d.width }
func (d day10MonitorGrid) step2deg(x, y int) float64 {
rad := math.Atan2(float64(x), float64(y))
deg := rad * (180 / math.Pi)
return 180 + -1*deg
func day10ReadAsteroidMap(in io.Reader) (*day10MonitorGrid, error) {
var grid = &day10MonitorGrid{}
raw, err := ioutil.ReadAll(in)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to read asteroid map")
for _, c := range raw {
if c == '\n' {
if grid.width == 0 {
grid.width = len(grid.asteroidMap)
// Skip newlines for our representation
grid.asteroidMap = append(grid.asteroidMap, c)
return grid, nil
func solveDay10Part1Coordinate(inFile string) (*day10MonitorGrid, int, error) {
f, err := os.Open(inFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to open input file")
defer f.Close()
grid, err := day10ReadAsteroidMap(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to read asteroid map")
var (
bestMonitorPos int
bestAsteroidCount int
for _, pos := range grid.getAsteroidPositions() {
var aX, aY = grid.posToCoord(pos)
rGrid := grid.getCleanedGrid(aX, aY)
if c := rGrid.asteroidCount(); c > bestAsteroidCount {
bestMonitorPos = pos
bestAsteroidCount = c
return grid, bestMonitorPos, nil
func solveDay10Part1(inFile string) (int, error) {
grid, bestMonitorPos, err := solveDay10Part1Coordinate(inFile)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var aX, aY = grid.posToCoord(bestMonitorPos)
return grid.getCleanedGrid(aX, aY).asteroidCount(), nil
func solveDay10Part2(inFile string) (int, error) {
grid, bestMonitorPos, err := solveDay10Part1Coordinate(inFile)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var (
mX, mY = grid.posToCoord(bestMonitorPos)
destroyed []int
// Mark monitor / laser -- cannot be destroyed
grid.asteroidMap[bestMonitorPos] = 'M'
// Gradually destroy asteroids
for grid.asteroidCount() > 0 {
asteroidsInSight := grid.getCleanedGrid(mX, mY).getAsteroidPositions()
var degPos [][2]int
for _, pos := range asteroidsInSight {
var aX, aY = grid.posToCoord(pos)
degPos = append(degPos, [2]int{
int(grid.step2deg(aX-mX, aY-mY) * 1000000), // Degree to asteroid in 6-digit precision
// Sort by degree low-to-high -- represents order of destruction
sort.Slice(degPos, func(i, j int) bool { return degPos[i][1] < degPos[j][1] })
for _, dp := range degPos {
grid.asteroidMap[dp[0]] = '*' // Mark asteroids destroyed
destroyed = append(destroyed, dp[0])
destr200X, destr200Y := grid.posToCoord(destroyed[199])
return 100*destr200X + destr200Y, nil