mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 11:01:20 +00:00
1427 lines
33 KiB
1427 lines
33 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The go-diff authors. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/sergi/go-diff
// See the included LICENSE file for license details.
// go-diff is a Go implementation of Google's Diff, Match, and Patch library
// Original library is Copyright (c) 2006 Google Inc.
// http://code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch/
package diffmatchpatch
import (
func pretty(diffs []Diff) string {
var w bytes.Buffer
for i, diff := range diffs {
_, _ = w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v. ", i))
switch diff.Type {
case DiffInsert:
_, _ = w.WriteString("DiffIns")
case DiffDelete:
_, _ = w.WriteString("DiffDel")
case DiffEqual:
_, _ = w.WriteString("DiffEql")
_, _ = w.WriteString("Unknown")
_, _ = w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(": %v\n", diff.Text))
return w.String()
func diffRebuildTexts(diffs []Diff) []string {
texts := []string{"", ""}
for _, d := range diffs {
if d.Type != DiffInsert {
texts[0] += d.Text
if d.Type != DiffDelete {
texts[1] += d.Text
return texts
func TestDiffCommonPrefix(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Text1 string
Text2 string
Expected int
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"Null", "abc", "xyz", 0},
{"Non-null", "1234abcdef", "1234xyz", 4},
{"Whole", "1234", "1234xyz", 4},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCommonPrefix(tc.Text1, tc.Text2)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func BenchmarkDiffCommonPrefix(b *testing.B) {
dmp := New()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
dmp.DiffCommonPrefix(s, s)
func TestCommonPrefixLength(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Text1 string
Text2 string
Expected int
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"abc", "xyz", 0},
{"1234abcdef", "1234xyz", 4},
{"1234", "1234xyz", 4},
} {
actual := commonPrefixLength([]rune(tc.Text1), []rune(tc.Text2))
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
func TestDiffCommonSuffix(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Text1 string
Text2 string
Expected int
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"Null", "abc", "xyz", 0},
{"Non-null", "abcdef1234", "xyz1234", 4},
{"Whole", "1234", "xyz1234", 4},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCommonSuffix(tc.Text1, tc.Text2)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func BenchmarkDiffCommonSuffix(b *testing.B) {
dmp := New()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
dmp.DiffCommonSuffix(s, s)
func TestCommonSuffixLength(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Text1 string
Text2 string
Expected int
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"abc", "xyz", 0},
{"abcdef1234", "xyz1234", 4},
{"1234", "xyz1234", 4},
{"123", "a3", 1},
} {
actual := commonSuffixLength([]rune(tc.Text1), []rune(tc.Text2))
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
func TestDiffCommonOverlap(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Text1 string
Text2 string
Expected int
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"Null", "", "abcd", 0},
{"Whole", "abc", "abcd", 3},
{"Null", "123456", "abcd", 0},
{"Null", "123456xxx", "xxxabcd", 3},
// Some overly clever languages (C#) may treat ligatures as equal to their component letters, e.g. U+FB01 == 'fi'
{"Unicode", "fi", "\ufb01i", 0},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCommonOverlap(tc.Text1, tc.Text2)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func TestDiffHalfMatch(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Text1 string
Text2 string
Expected []string
dmp := New()
dmp.DiffTimeout = 1
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
// No match
{"1234567890", "abcdef", nil},
{"12345", "23", nil},
// Single Match
{"1234567890", "a345678z", []string{"12", "90", "a", "z", "345678"}},
{"a345678z", "1234567890", []string{"a", "z", "12", "90", "345678"}},
{"abc56789z", "1234567890", []string{"abc", "z", "1234", "0", "56789"}},
{"a23456xyz", "1234567890", []string{"a", "xyz", "1", "7890", "23456"}},
// Multiple Matches
{"121231234123451234123121", "a1234123451234z", []string{"12123", "123121", "a", "z", "1234123451234"}},
{"x-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=", "xx-=-=-=-=-=-=-=", []string{"", "-=-=-=-=-=", "x", "", "x-=-=-=-=-=-=-="}},
{"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=y", "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=yy", []string{"-=-=-=-=-=", "", "", "y", "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=y"}},
// Non-optimal halfmatch, ptimal diff would be -q+x=H-i+e=lloHe+Hu=llo-Hew+y not -qHillo+x=HelloHe-w+Hulloy
{"qHilloHelloHew", "xHelloHeHulloy", []string{"qHillo", "w", "x", "Hulloy", "HelloHe"}},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffHalfMatch(tc.Text1, tc.Text2)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
dmp.DiffTimeout = 0
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
// Optimal no halfmatch
{"qHilloHelloHew", "xHelloHeHulloy", nil},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffHalfMatch(tc.Text1, tc.Text2)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
func BenchmarkDiffHalfMatch(b *testing.B) {
s1, s2 := speedtestTexts()
dmp := New()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
dmp.DiffHalfMatch(s1, s2)
func TestDiffBisectSplit(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Text1 string
Text2 string
dmp := New()
for _, tc := range []TestCase{
{"STUV\x05WX\x05YZ\x05[", "WĺĻļ\x05YZ\x05ĽľĿŀZ"},
} {
diffs := dmp.diffBisectSplit([]rune(tc.Text1),
[]rune(tc.Text2), 7, 6, time.Now().Add(time.Hour))
for _, d := range diffs {
assert.True(t, utf8.ValidString(d.Text))
// TODO define the expected outcome
func TestDiffLinesToChars(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Text1 string
Text2 string
ExpectedChars1 string
ExpectedChars2 string
ExpectedLines []string
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"", "alpha\r\nbeta\r\n\r\n\r\n", "", "\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0003", []string{"", "alpha\r\n", "beta\r\n", "\r\n"}},
{"a", "b", "\u0001", "\u0002", []string{"", "a", "b"}},
// Omit final newline.
{"alpha\nbeta\nalpha", "", "\u0001\u0002\u0003", "", []string{"", "alpha\n", "beta\n", "alpha"}},
} {
actualChars1, actualChars2, actualLines := dmp.DiffLinesToChars(tc.Text1, tc.Text2)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedChars1, actualChars1, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedChars2, actualChars2, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedLines, actualLines, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
// More than 256 to reveal any 8-bit limitations.
n := 300
lineList := []string{
"", // Account for the initial empty element of the lines array.
var charList []rune
for x := 1; x < n+1; x++ {
lineList = append(lineList, strconv.Itoa(x)+"\n")
charList = append(charList, rune(x))
lines := strings.Join(lineList, "")
chars := string(charList)
assert.Equal(t, n, utf8.RuneCountInString(chars))
actualChars1, actualChars2, actualLines := dmp.DiffLinesToChars(lines, "")
assert.Equal(t, chars, actualChars1)
assert.Equal(t, "", actualChars2)
assert.Equal(t, lineList, actualLines)
func TestDiffCharsToLines(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Diffs []Diff
Lines []string
Expected []Diff
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
Diffs: []Diff{
{DiffEqual, "\u0001\u0002\u0001"},
{DiffInsert, "\u0002\u0001\u0002"},
Lines: []string{"", "alpha\n", "beta\n"},
Expected: []Diff{
{DiffEqual, "alpha\nbeta\nalpha\n"},
{DiffInsert, "beta\nalpha\nbeta\n"},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCharsToLines(tc.Diffs, tc.Lines)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
// More than 256 to reveal any 8-bit limitations.
n := 300
lineList := []string{
"", // Account for the initial empty element of the lines array.
charList := []rune{}
for x := 1; x <= n; x++ {
lineList = append(lineList, strconv.Itoa(x)+"\n")
charList = append(charList, rune(x))
assert.Equal(t, n, len(charList))
actual := dmp.DiffCharsToLines([]Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, string(charList)}}, lineList)
assert.Equal(t, []Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, strings.Join(lineList, "")}}, actual)
func TestDiffCleanupMerge(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Diffs []Diff
Expected []Diff
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
"Null case",
"No Diff case",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "b"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "c"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "b"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "c"}},
"Merge equalities",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "b"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "abc"}},
"Merge deletions",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, "a"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "b"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "c"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, "abc"}},
"Merge insertions",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffInsert, "a"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "b"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "c"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffInsert, "abc"}},
"Merge interweave",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, "a"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "b"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "c"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "d"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "e"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "f"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, "ac"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "bd"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "ef"}},
"Prefix and suffix detection",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, "a"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "abc"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "dc"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "d"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "b"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}},
"Prefix and suffix detection with equalities",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "x"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "a"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "abc"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "dc"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "y"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "xa"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "d"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "b"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "cy"}},
"Same test as above but with unicode (\u0101 will appear in diffs with at least 257 unique lines)",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "x"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "\u0101"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "\u0101bc"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "dc"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "y"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "x\u0101"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "d"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "b"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "cy"}},
"Slide edit left",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "ba"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffInsert, "ab"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "ac"}},
"Slide edit right",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "ab"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "ca"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "ba"}},
"Slide edit left recursive",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "b"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "ac"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "x"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, "abc"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "acx"}},
"Slide edit right recursive",
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "x"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "ca"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "b"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "xca"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "cba"}},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCleanupMerge(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func TestDiffCleanupSemanticLossless(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Diffs []Diff
Expected []Diff
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
"Null case",
"Blank lines",
Diff{DiffEqual, "AAA\r\n\r\nBBB"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "\r\nDDD\r\n\r\nBBB"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "\r\nEEE"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "AAA\r\n\r\n"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "BBB\r\nDDD\r\n\r\n"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "BBB\r\nEEE"},
"Line boundaries",
Diff{DiffEqual, "AAA\r\nBBB"},
Diff{DiffInsert, " DDD\r\nBBB"},
Diff{DiffEqual, " EEE"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "AAA\r\n"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "BBB DDD\r\n"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "BBB EEE"},
"Word boundaries",
Diff{DiffEqual, "The c"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "ow and the c"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "at."},
Diff{DiffEqual, "The "},
Diff{DiffInsert, "cow and the "},
Diff{DiffEqual, "cat."},
"Alphanumeric boundaries",
Diff{DiffEqual, "The-c"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "ow-and-the-c"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "at."},
Diff{DiffEqual, "The-"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "cow-and-the-"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "cat."},
"Hitting the start",
Diff{DiffEqual, "a"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "a"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "ax"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "a"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "aax"},
"Hitting the end",
Diff{DiffEqual, "xa"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "a"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "a"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "xaa"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "a"},
"Sentence boundaries",
Diff{DiffEqual, "The xxx. The "},
Diff{DiffInsert, "zzz. The "},
Diff{DiffEqual, "yyy."},
Diff{DiffEqual, "The xxx."},
Diff{DiffInsert, " The zzz."},
Diff{DiffEqual, " The yyy."},
"UTF-8 strings",
Diff{DiffEqual, "The ♕. The "},
Diff{DiffInsert, "♔. The "},
Diff{DiffEqual, "♖."},
Diff{DiffEqual, "The ♕."},
Diff{DiffInsert, " The ♔."},
Diff{DiffEqual, " The ♖."},
"Rune boundaries",
Diff{DiffEqual, "♕♕"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "♔♔"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "♖♖"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "♕♕"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "♔♔"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "♖♖"},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCleanupSemanticLossless(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func TestDiffCleanupSemantic(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Diffs []Diff
Expected []Diff
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
"Null case",
"No elimination #1",
{DiffDelete, "ab"},
{DiffInsert, "cd"},
{DiffEqual, "12"},
{DiffDelete, "e"},
{DiffDelete, "ab"},
{DiffInsert, "cd"},
{DiffEqual, "12"},
{DiffDelete, "e"},
"No elimination #2",
{DiffDelete, "abc"},
{DiffInsert, "ABC"},
{DiffEqual, "1234"},
{DiffDelete, "wxyz"},
{DiffDelete, "abc"},
{DiffInsert, "ABC"},
{DiffEqual, "1234"},
{DiffDelete, "wxyz"},
"No elimination #3",
{DiffEqual, "2016-09-01T03:07:1"},
{DiffInsert, "5.15"},
{DiffEqual, "4"},
{DiffDelete, "."},
{DiffEqual, "80"},
{DiffInsert, "0"},
{DiffEqual, "78"},
{DiffDelete, "3074"},
{DiffEqual, "1Z"},
{DiffEqual, "2016-09-01T03:07:1"},
{DiffInsert, "5.15"},
{DiffEqual, "4"},
{DiffDelete, "."},
{DiffEqual, "80"},
{DiffInsert, "0"},
{DiffEqual, "78"},
{DiffDelete, "3074"},
{DiffEqual, "1Z"},
"Simple elimination",
{DiffDelete, "a"},
{DiffEqual, "b"},
{DiffDelete, "c"},
{DiffDelete, "abc"},
{DiffInsert, "b"},
"Backpass elimination",
{DiffDelete, "ab"},
{DiffEqual, "cd"},
{DiffDelete, "e"},
{DiffEqual, "f"},
{DiffInsert, "g"},
{DiffDelete, "abcdef"},
{DiffInsert, "cdfg"},
"Multiple eliminations",
{DiffInsert, "1"},
{DiffEqual, "A"},
{DiffDelete, "B"},
{DiffInsert, "2"},
{DiffEqual, "_"},
{DiffInsert, "1"},
{DiffEqual, "A"},
{DiffDelete, "B"},
{DiffInsert, "2"},
{DiffDelete, "AB_AB"},
{DiffInsert, "1A2_1A2"},
"Word boundaries",
{DiffEqual, "The c"},
{DiffDelete, "ow and the c"},
{DiffEqual, "at."},
{DiffEqual, "The "},
{DiffDelete, "cow and the "},
{DiffEqual, "cat."},
"No overlap elimination",
{DiffDelete, "abcxx"},
{DiffInsert, "xxdef"},
{DiffDelete, "abcxx"},
{DiffInsert, "xxdef"},
"Overlap elimination",
{DiffDelete, "abcxxx"},
{DiffInsert, "xxxdef"},
{DiffDelete, "abc"},
{DiffEqual, "xxx"},
{DiffInsert, "def"},
"Reverse overlap elimination",
{DiffDelete, "xxxabc"},
{DiffInsert, "defxxx"},
{DiffInsert, "def"},
{DiffEqual, "xxx"},
{DiffDelete, "abc"},
"Two overlap eliminations",
{DiffDelete, "abcd1212"},
{DiffInsert, "1212efghi"},
{DiffEqual, "----"},
{DiffDelete, "A3"},
{DiffInsert, "3BC"},
{DiffDelete, "abcd"},
{DiffEqual, "1212"},
{DiffInsert, "efghi"},
{DiffEqual, "----"},
{DiffDelete, "A"},
{DiffEqual, "3"},
{DiffInsert, "BC"},
"Test case for adapting DiffCleanupSemantic to be equal to the Python version #19",
{DiffEqual, "James McCarthy "},
{DiffDelete, "close to "},
{DiffEqual, "sign"},
{DiffDelete, "ing"},
{DiffInsert, "s"},
{DiffEqual, " new "},
{DiffDelete, "E"},
{DiffInsert, "fi"},
{DiffEqual, "ve"},
{DiffInsert, "-yea"},
{DiffEqual, "r"},
{DiffDelete, "ton"},
{DiffEqual, " deal"},
{DiffInsert, " at Everton"},
{DiffEqual, "James McCarthy "},
{DiffDelete, "close to "},
{DiffEqual, "sign"},
{DiffDelete, "ing"},
{DiffInsert, "s"},
{DiffEqual, " new "},
{DiffInsert, "five-year deal at "},
{DiffEqual, "Everton"},
{DiffDelete, " deal"},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCleanupSemantic(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func BenchmarkDiffCleanupSemantic(b *testing.B) {
s1, s2 := speedtestTexts()
dmp := New()
diffs := dmp.DiffMain(s1, s2, false)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func TestDiffCleanupEfficiency(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Diffs []Diff
Expected []Diff
dmp := New()
dmp.DiffEditCost = 4
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
"Null case",
"No elimination",
Diff{DiffDelete, "ab"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "wxyz"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "cd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "34"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "ab"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "wxyz"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "cd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "34"},
"Four-edit elimination",
Diff{DiffDelete, "ab"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "xyz"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "cd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "34"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "abxyzcd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12xyz34"},
"Three-edit elimination",
Diff{DiffInsert, "12"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "x"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "cd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "34"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "xcd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12x34"},
"Backpass elimination",
Diff{DiffDelete, "ab"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "xy"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "34"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "z"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "cd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "56"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "abxyzcd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12xy34z56"},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCleanupEfficiency(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
dmp.DiffEditCost = 5
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
"High cost elimination",
Diff{DiffDelete, "ab"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "wxyz"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "cd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "34"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "abwxyzcd"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "12wxyz34"},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffCleanupEfficiency(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func TestDiffPrettyHtml(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Diffs []Diff
Expected string
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
Diffs: []Diff{
{DiffEqual, "a\n"},
{DiffDelete, "<B>b</B>"},
{DiffInsert, "c&d"},
Expected: "<span>a¶<br></span><del style=\"background:#ffe6e6;\"><B>b</B></del><ins style=\"background:#e6ffe6;\">c&d</ins>",
} {
actual := dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
func TestDiffPrettyText(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Diffs []Diff
Expected string
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
Diffs: []Diff{
{DiffEqual, "a\n"},
{DiffDelete, "<B>b</B>"},
{DiffInsert, "c&d"},
Expected: "a\n\x1b[31m<B>b</B>\x1b[0m\x1b[32mc&d\x1b[0m",
} {
actual := dmp.DiffPrettyText(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
func TestDiffText(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Diffs []Diff
ExpectedText1 string
ExpectedText2 string
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
Diffs: []Diff{
{DiffEqual, "jump"},
{DiffDelete, "s"},
{DiffInsert, "ed"},
{DiffEqual, " over "},
{DiffDelete, "the"},
{DiffInsert, "a"},
{DiffEqual, " lazy"},
ExpectedText1: "jumps over the lazy",
ExpectedText2: "jumped over a lazy",
} {
actualText1 := dmp.DiffText1(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedText1, actualText1, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
actualText2 := dmp.DiffText2(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedText2, actualText2, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
func TestDiffDelta(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Text string
Delta string
ErrorMessagePrefix string
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"Delta shorter than text", "jumps over the lazyx", "=4\t-1\t+ed\t=6\t-3\t+a\t=5\t+old dog", "Delta length (19) is different from source text length (20)"},
{"Delta longer than text", "umps over the lazy", "=4\t-1\t+ed\t=6\t-3\t+a\t=5\t+old dog", "Delta length (19) is different from source text length (18)"},
{"Invalid URL escaping", "", "+%c3%xy", "invalid URL escape \"%xy\""},
{"Invalid UTF-8 sequence", "", "+%c3xy", "invalid UTF-8 token: \"\\xc3xy\""},
{"Invalid diff operation", "", "a", "Invalid diff operation in DiffFromDelta: a"},
{"Invalid diff syntax", "", "-", "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"\": invalid syntax"},
{"Negative number in delta", "", "--1", "Negative number in DiffFromDelta: -1"},
{"Empty case", "", "", ""},
} {
diffs, err := dmp.DiffFromDelta(tc.Text, tc.Delta)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name)
if tc.ErrorMessagePrefix == "" {
assert.Nil(t, err, msg)
assert.Nil(t, diffs, msg)
} else {
e := err.Error()
if strings.HasPrefix(e, tc.ErrorMessagePrefix) {
e = tc.ErrorMessagePrefix
assert.Nil(t, diffs, msg)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ErrorMessagePrefix, e, msg)
// Convert a diff into delta string.
diffs := []Diff{
Diff{DiffEqual, "jump"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "s"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "ed"},
Diff{DiffEqual, " over "},
Diff{DiffDelete, "the"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "a"},
Diff{DiffEqual, " lazy"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "old dog"},
text1 := dmp.DiffText1(diffs)
assert.Equal(t, "jumps over the lazy", text1)
delta := dmp.DiffToDelta(diffs)
assert.Equal(t, "=4\t-1\t+ed\t=6\t-3\t+a\t=5\t+old dog", delta)
// Convert delta string into a diff.
deltaDiffs, err := dmp.DiffFromDelta(text1, delta)
assert.Equal(t, diffs, deltaDiffs)
// Test deltas with special characters.
diffs = []Diff{
Diff{DiffEqual, "\u0680 \x00 \t %"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "\u0681 \x01 \n ^"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "\u0682 \x02 \\ |"},
text1 = dmp.DiffText1(diffs)
assert.Equal(t, "\u0680 \x00 \t %\u0681 \x01 \n ^", text1)
// Lowercase, due to UrlEncode uses lower.
delta = dmp.DiffToDelta(diffs)
assert.Equal(t, "=7\t-7\t+%DA%82 %02 %5C %7C", delta)
deltaDiffs, err = dmp.DiffFromDelta(text1, delta)
assert.Equal(t, diffs, deltaDiffs)
assert.Nil(t, err)
// Verify pool of unchanged characters.
diffs = []Diff{
Diff{DiffInsert, "A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) ; / ? : @ & = + $ , # "},
delta = dmp.DiffToDelta(diffs)
assert.Equal(t, "+A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) ; / ? : @ & = + $ , # ", delta, "Unchanged characters.")
// Convert delta string into a diff.
deltaDiffs, err = dmp.DiffFromDelta("", delta)
assert.Equal(t, diffs, deltaDiffs)
assert.Nil(t, err)
func TestDiffXIndex(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Diffs []Diff
Location int
Expected int
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"Translation on equality", []Diff{{DiffDelete, "a"}, {DiffInsert, "1234"}, {DiffEqual, "xyz"}}, 2, 5},
{"Translation on deletion", []Diff{{DiffEqual, "a"}, {DiffDelete, "1234"}, {DiffEqual, "xyz"}}, 3, 1},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffXIndex(tc.Diffs, tc.Location)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func TestDiffLevenshtein(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Diffs []Diff
Expected int
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
{"Levenshtein with trailing equality", []Diff{{DiffDelete, "abc"}, {DiffInsert, "1234"}, {DiffEqual, "xyz"}}, 4},
{"Levenshtein with leading equality", []Diff{{DiffEqual, "xyz"}, {DiffDelete, "abc"}, {DiffInsert, "1234"}}, 4},
{"Levenshtein with middle equality", []Diff{{DiffDelete, "abc"}, {DiffEqual, "xyz"}, {DiffInsert, "1234"}}, 7},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffLevenshtein(tc.Diffs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
func TestDiffBisect(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Name string
Time time.Time
Expected []Diff
dmp := New()
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
Name: "normal",
Time: time.Date(9999, time.December, 31, 23, 59, 59, 59, time.UTC),
Expected: []Diff{
{DiffDelete, "c"},
{DiffInsert, "m"},
{DiffEqual, "a"},
{DiffDelete, "t"},
{DiffInsert, "p"},
Name: "Negative deadlines count as having infinite time",
Time: time.Date(0001, time.January, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, time.UTC),
Expected: []Diff{
{DiffDelete, "c"},
{DiffInsert, "m"},
{DiffEqual, "a"},
{DiffDelete, "t"},
{DiffInsert, "p"},
Name: "Timeout",
Time: time.Now().Add(time.Nanosecond),
Expected: []Diff{
{DiffDelete, "cat"},
{DiffInsert, "map"},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffBisect("cat", "map", tc.Time)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %s", i, tc.Name))
// Test for invalid UTF-8 sequences
assert.Equal(t, []Diff{
Diff{DiffEqual, "<22><>"},
}, dmp.DiffBisect("\xe0\xe5", "\xe0\xe5", time.Now().Add(time.Minute)))
func TestDiffMain(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Text1 string
Text2 string
Expected []Diff
dmp := New()
// Perform a trivial diff.
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "abc"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "ab"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "123"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "123"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "bc"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "123"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "b"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "456"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}},
[]Diff{Diff{DiffEqual, "a"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "123"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "b"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "456"}, Diff{DiffEqual, "c"}},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffMain(tc.Text1, tc.Text2, false)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
// Perform a real diff and switch off the timeout.
dmp.DiffTimeout = 0
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
[]Diff{Diff{DiffDelete, "a"}, Diff{DiffInsert, "b"}},
"Apples are a fruit.",
"Bananas are also fruit.",
Diff{DiffDelete, "Apple"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "Banana"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "s are a"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "lso"},
Diff{DiffEqual, " fruit."},
Diff{DiffDelete, "a"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "\u0680"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "x"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "\t"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "\u0000"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "1"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "a"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "y"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "b"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "2"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "xab"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "xaxcx"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "abc"}, Diff{DiffDelete, "y"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "ABCD"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "a"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "="},
Diff{DiffInsert, "-"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "bcd"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "="},
Diff{DiffInsert, "-"},
Diff{DiffEqual, "efghijklmnopqrs"},
Diff{DiffDelete, "EFGHIJKLMNOefg"},
"a [[Pennsylvania]] and [[New",
" and [[Pennsylvania]]",
Diff{DiffInsert, " "},
Diff{DiffEqual, "a"},
Diff{DiffInsert, "nd"},
Diff{DiffEqual, " [[Pennsylvania]]"},
Diff{DiffDelete, " and [[New"},
} {
actual := dmp.DiffMain(tc.Text1, tc.Text2, false)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
// Test for invalid UTF-8 sequences
assert.Equal(t, []Diff{
Diff{DiffDelete, "<22><>"},
}, dmp.DiffMain("\xe0\xe5", "", false))
func TestDiffMainWithTimeout(t *testing.T) {
dmp := New()
dmp.DiffTimeout = 200 * time.Millisecond
a := "`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\n"
b := "I am the very model of a modern major general,\nI've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,\nI know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical,\nFrom Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical.\n"
// Increase the text lengths by 1024 times to ensure a timeout.
for x := 0; x < 13; x++ {
a = a + a
b = b + b
startTime := time.Now()
dmp.DiffMain(a, b, true)
endTime := time.Now()
delta := endTime.Sub(startTime)
// Test that we took at least the timeout period.
assert.True(t, delta >= dmp.DiffTimeout, fmt.Sprintf("%v !>= %v", delta, dmp.DiffTimeout))
// Test that we didn't take forever (be very forgiving). Theoretically this test could fail very occasionally if the OS task swaps or locks up for a second at the wrong moment.
assert.True(t, delta < (dmp.DiffTimeout*100), fmt.Sprintf("%v !< %v", delta, dmp.DiffTimeout*100))
func TestDiffMainWithCheckLines(t *testing.T) {
type TestCase struct {
Text1 string
Text2 string
dmp := New()
dmp.DiffTimeout = 0
// Test cases must be at least 100 chars long to pass the cutoff.
for i, tc := range []TestCase{
} {
resultWithoutCheckLines := dmp.DiffMain(tc.Text1, tc.Text2, false)
resultWithCheckLines := dmp.DiffMain(tc.Text1, tc.Text2, true)
// TODO this fails for the third test case, why?
if i != 2 {
assert.Equal(t, resultWithoutCheckLines, resultWithCheckLines, fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
assert.Equal(t, diffRebuildTexts(resultWithoutCheckLines), diffRebuildTexts(resultWithCheckLines), fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d, %#v", i, tc))
func BenchmarkDiffMain(bench *testing.B) {
s1 := "`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\n"
s2 := "I am the very model of a modern major general,\nI've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,\nI know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical,\nFrom Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical.\n"
// Increase the text lengths by 1024 times to ensure a timeout.
for x := 0; x < 10; x++ {
s1 = s1 + s1
s2 = s2 + s2
dmp := New()
dmp.DiffTimeout = time.Second
for i := 0; i < bench.N; i++ {
dmp.DiffMain(s1, s2, true)
func BenchmarkDiffMainLarge(b *testing.B) {
s1, s2 := speedtestTexts()
dmp := New()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
dmp.DiffMain(s1, s2, true)
func BenchmarkDiffMainRunesLargeLines(b *testing.B) {
s1, s2 := speedtestTexts()
dmp := New()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
text1, text2, linearray := dmp.DiffLinesToRunes(s1, s2)
diffs := dmp.DiffMainRunes(text1, text2, false)
diffs = dmp.DiffCharsToLines(diffs, linearray)