package main import ( "net/http" "os" "time" "" "" "" "" "" httpHelper "" "" ) var ( cfg = struct { DatabaseConnection string `flag:"database-connection" default:"file::memory:?cache=shared" description:"Connection string for the selected database type"` DatabaseType string `flag:"database-type" default:"sqlite" description:"Type of the database to connect to (postgres, sqlite)"` Listen string `flag:"listen" default:":3000" description:"Port/IP to listen on"` LogLevel string `flag:"log-level" default:"info" description:"Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)"` VersionAndExit bool `flag:"version" default:"false" description:"Prints current version and exits"` }{} version = "dev" ) func initApp() error { rconfig.AutoEnv(true) if err := rconfig.ParseAndValidate(&cfg); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "parsing cli options") } l, err := logrus.ParseLevel(cfg.LogLevel) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "parsing log-level") } logrus.SetLevel(l) return nil } func main() { var err error if err = initApp(); err != nil { logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("initializing app") } if cfg.VersionAndExit { logrus.WithField("version", version).Info("accounting") os.Exit(0) } dbc, err := database.New(cfg.DatabaseType, cfg.DatabaseConnection) if err != nil { logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("connecting to database") } router := mux.NewRouter() api.RegisterHandler(router.PathPrefix("/api").Subrouter(), dbc, logrus.StandardLogger()) var hdl http.Handler = router hdl = httpHelper.GzipHandler(hdl) hdl = httpHelper.NewHTTPLogHandlerWithLogger(hdl, logrus.StandardLogger()) server := &http.Server{ Addr: cfg.Listen, Handler: hdl, ReadHeaderTimeout: time.Second, } logrus. WithField("version", version). WithField("addr", cfg.Listen). Info("accounting starting") if err = server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil { logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("running HTTP server") } }