Define transfer-money transactions as pair
in order to delete both of them in case one is deleted and not to leave over a broken half of a transfer-money transaction Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <>
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 107 additions and 46 deletions
@ -111,6 +111,18 @@ func (c *Client) CreateTransaction(tx Transaction) (ntx Transaction, err error)
// DeleteTransaction deletes a transaction
func (c *Client) DeleteTransaction(id uuid.UUID) (err error) {
if err = c.retryTx(func(db *gorm.DB) error {
tx, err := c.GetTransactionByID(id)
if err != nil {
return err
if tx.PairKey.Valid {
// We got a paired transaction which would be out-of-sync if we
// only delete one part of it so instead of doing a delete on the
// ID of the transaction, we do a delete on the pair-key
return db.Delete(&Transaction{}, "pair_key = ?", tx.PairKey.UUID).Error
return db.Delete(&Transaction{}, "id = ?", id).Error
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting transaction: %w", err)
@ -273,6 +285,8 @@ func (c *Client) TransferMoney(from, to uuid.UUID, amount float64) (err error) {
return fmt.Errorf("account type mismatch: %s != %s", fromAcc.Type, toAcc.Type)
pairKey := uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom())
var txs []*Transaction
switch fromAcc.Type {
case AccountTypeBudget, AccountTypeTracking:
@ -285,6 +299,7 @@ func (c *Client) TransferMoney(from, to uuid.UUID, amount float64) (err error) {
Account: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: from, Valid: true},
Category: uuid.NullUUID{},
Cleared: false,
PairKey: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: pairKey, Valid: true},
Time: time.Now().UTC(),
@ -293,6 +308,7 @@ func (c *Client) TransferMoney(from, to uuid.UUID, amount float64) (err error) {
Account: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: to, Valid: true},
Category: uuid.NullUUID{},
Cleared: false,
PairKey: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: pairKey, Valid: true},
@ -306,6 +322,7 @@ func (c *Client) TransferMoney(from, to uuid.UUID, amount float64) (err error) {
Account: uuid.NullUUID{},
Category: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: from, Valid: true},
Cleared: false,
PairKey: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: pairKey, Valid: true},
Time: time.Now().UTC(),
@ -314,6 +331,7 @@ func (c *Client) TransferMoney(from, to uuid.UUID, amount float64) (err error) {
Account: uuid.NullUUID{},
Category: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: to, Valid: true},
Cleared: false,
PairKey: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: pairKey, Valid: true},
@ -350,6 +368,8 @@ func (c *Client) TransferMoneyWithCategory(from, to uuid.UUID, amount float64, c
return fmt.Errorf("transfer contained category-type account")
pairKey := uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom())
if err = c.retryTx(func(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
fromTx := Transaction{
Time: time.Now().UTC(),
@ -358,6 +378,7 @@ func (c *Client) TransferMoneyWithCategory(from, to uuid.UUID, amount float64, c
Account: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: from, Valid: true},
Category: uuid.NullUUID{},
Cleared: false,
PairKey: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: pairKey, Valid: true},
if fromAcc.Type == AccountTypeBudget {
@ -371,6 +392,7 @@ func (c *Client) TransferMoneyWithCategory(from, to uuid.UUID, amount float64, c
Account: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: to, Valid: true},
Category: uuid.NullUUID{},
Cleared: false,
PairKey: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: pairKey, Valid: true},
if toAcc.Type == AccountTypeBudget {
@ -77,22 +77,48 @@ func TestAccountManagement(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, "renamed", act.Name)
func TestPairKeyRemoval(t *testing.T) {
dbc, err := New("sqlite", testDSN)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create two accounts to transfer from / to
tb1, err := dbc.CreateAccount("test1", AccountTypeBudget)
require.NoError(t, err)
tb2, err := dbc.CreateAccount("test2", AccountTypeBudget)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Lets verify both of them do have zero-balance
bals, err := dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 0)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 0)
// Transfer some money
require.NoError(t, dbc.TransferMoney(tb1.ID, tb2.ID, 500))
bals, err = dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, -500)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 500)
// Now fetch the transactions on one of the accounts and delete the only one
txs, err := dbc.ListTransactionsByAccount(tb1.ID, time.Time{}, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, txs, 1) // Should only be one by now
require.NoError(t, dbc.DeleteTransaction(txs[0].ID))
// Check both accounts went back to zero-balance (so paired tx are gone)
bals, err = dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 0)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 0)
func TestTransactions(t *testing.T) {
dbc, err := New("sqlite", testDSN)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkAcctBal := func(bals []AccountBalance, act uuid.UUID, bal float64) {
for _, b := range bals {
if b.ID == act {
assert.Equal(t, bal, b.Balance)
t.Errorf("account %s balance not found", act)
// Set up some accounts for testing
tb1, err := dbc.CreateAccount("test1", AccountTypeBudget)
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -130,41 +156,41 @@ func TestTransactions(t *testing.T) {
// Now we should have money…
bals, err := dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb1.ID, 1000)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb2.ID, 0)
checkAcctBal(bals, tt.ID, 0)
checkAcctBal(bals, tc.ID, 0)
checkAcctBal(bals, UnallocatedMoney, 1000)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 1000)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 0)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tt.ID, 0)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tc.ID, 0)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, UnallocatedMoney, 1000)
// Lets redistribute the money
require.NoError(t, dbc.TransferMoney(UnallocatedMoney, tc.ID, 500))
bals, err = dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb1.ID, 1000)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb2.ID, 0)
checkAcctBal(bals, tt.ID, 0)
checkAcctBal(bals, tc.ID, 500)
checkAcctBal(bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 1000)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 0)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tt.ID, 0)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tc.ID, 500)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
// Now transfer some money to another budget account
require.NoError(t, dbc.TransferMoney(tb1.ID, tb2.ID, 100))
bals, err = dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb1.ID, 900)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb2.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tt.ID, 0)
checkAcctBal(bals, tc.ID, 500)
checkAcctBal(bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 900)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tt.ID, 0)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tc.ID, 500)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
// And some to a tracking account (needs category)
require.NoError(t, dbc.TransferMoneyWithCategory(tb1.ID, tt.ID, 100, tc.ID))
bals, err = dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb1.ID, 800)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb2.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tt.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tc.ID, 400)
checkAcctBal(bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 800)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tt.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tc.ID, 400)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
// We might also spend money
lltx, err := dbc.CreateTransaction(Transaction{
@ -180,11 +206,11 @@ func TestTransactions(t *testing.T) {
assert.False(t, lltx.Cleared)
bals, err = dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb1.ID, 700)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb2.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tt.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tc.ID, 300)
checkAcctBal(bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 700)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tt.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tc.ID, 300)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
// List transactions
txs, err := dbc.ListTransactionsByAccount(tb1.ID, time.Time{}, time.Now())
@ -199,11 +225,11 @@ func TestTransactions(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, dbc.UpdateTransactionCategory(lltx.ID, UnallocatedMoney))
bals, err = dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb1.ID, 700)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb2.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tt.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tc.ID, 400)
checkAcctBal(bals, UnallocatedMoney, 400)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 700)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tt.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tc.ID, 400)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, UnallocatedMoney, 400)
// Lets try to move it to a broken category
require.Error(t, dbc.UpdateTransactionCategory(lltx.ID, tt.ID))
@ -221,11 +247,11 @@ func TestTransactions(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, dbc.DeleteTransaction(lltx.ID))
bals, err = dbc.ListAccountBalances(false)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb1.ID, 800)
checkAcctBal(bals, tb2.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tt.ID, 100)
checkAcctBal(bals, tc.ID, 400)
checkAcctBal(bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb1.ID, 800)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tb2.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tt.ID, 100)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, tc.ID, 400)
testCheckAcctBal(t, bals, UnallocatedMoney, 500)
// Get a deleted transaction
_, err = dbc.GetTransactionByID(lltx.ID)
@ -236,3 +262,14 @@ func TestTransactions(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, txs, 3)
func testCheckAcctBal(t *testing.T, bals []AccountBalance, act uuid.UUID, bal float64) {
for _, b := range bals {
if b.ID == act {
assert.Equal(t, bal, b.Balance)
t.Errorf("account %s balance not found", act)
@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ type (
Account uuid.NullUUID `gorm:"type:uuid" json:"account"`
Category uuid.NullUUID `gorm:"type:uuid" json:"category"`
Cleared bool `json:"cleared"`
PairKey uuid.NullUUID `gorm:"type:uuid" json:"-"`
// BaseModel is used internally in all other models for common fields
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