# Luzifer-Docker / znc This container setup contains a ZNC IRC bouncer setup with automatic config bootstrap support. ## Configuration The container can be configured on first startup and should have a volume mounted at `/data`. If the file `/data/configs/znc.conf` does exist **all environment config is ignored**. Available environment config: - `LISTEN_PORT` - `16667` - Where to listen (you should not use 6667-6669 as modern browsers will block your access to them) - `USE_IPV4` - `true` - Listen on IPv4 IPs - `USE_IPV6` - `true` - Listen on IPv6 IPs - `USER` - `admin` - Initial user to create - `PASS` - `` - Password to set for the user (if auto-generated the password will be logged to STDERR) After the initial startup you can configure the ZNC instance through the web-interface.