2014-04-10 16:22:45 +02:00

37 lines
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# Ubuntu with added Teamspeak 3 Server.
# Uses SQLite Database on default.
# Using latest Ubuntu image as base
FROM ubuntu
## Set some variables for override.
# Download Link of TS3 Server
# Inject a Volume for any TS3-Data that needs to be persisted or to be accessible from the host. (e.g. for Backups)
VOLUME ["/teamspeak3"]
# Update app-get index and install curl to download TS3 file.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl
# Download TS3 file and extract it into /opt.
RUN cd /opt && curl -sL ${TEAMSPEAK_URL} | tar xz
# create symlink for the sqlite db
RUN cd /opt/teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64 && touch "/teamspeak3/ts3server.sqlitedb" && ln -s ts3server.sqlitedb "/teamspeak3/ts3server.sqlitedb"
# TODO symlink for files-dir
# Use CMD to set some defaults, for example mapping some files/directorys to the injected volume.
#CMD ["logpath=/teamspeak3/logs/", "licensepath=/teamspeak3/", "inifile=/teamspeak3/ts3server.ini", "query_ip_whitelist=/teamspeak3/query_ip_whitelist.txt", "query_ip_backlist=/teamspeak3/query_ip_blacklist.txt"]
# Specify an entrypoint because this container should act like a isolated "application" and only serve TS3.
ENTRYPOINT /opt/teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64/ logpath="/teamspeak3/logs/" "licensepath=/teamspeak3/" inifile="/teamspeak3/ts3server.ini" query_ip_whitelist="/teamspeak3/query_ip_whitelist.txt" query_ip_backlist="/teamspeak3/query_ip_blacklist.txt"
# Expose the Standard TS3 port.
EXPOSE 9987/udp