var page = require('webpage').create(), system = require('system'); browser_width = 2560 browser_height = browser_width / 297 * 210 page.viewportSize = { width: browser_width, height: browser_height }; page.settings.webSecurityEnabled = false page.settings.resourceTimeout = 5000 page.settings.localToRemoteUrlAccessEnabled = true if (system.args.length !== 4) { console.log('Usage: '+system.args[0]+' '); phantom.exit(); } var url = [ '', '?zoom=', system.args[1], '&lat=', system.args[2], '&lon=', system.args[3], '&layers=B0000TF', ].join(''); console.log("Fetching URL " + url);, function(status) { if (status !== 'success') { console.log('Unable to load the address!'); phantom.exit(); } else { window.setTimeout(function () { page.render('/data/shot.png'); phantom.exit(); }, 5000); // Change timeout as required to allow sufficient time } });