#!/usr/bin/env python import random import re import requests import jinja2 import dns.resolver BLACKLIST_FILE = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts' IANA_TLD_LIST = 'https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt' INTERNIC_ROOT_FILE = 'https://www.internic.net/domain/named.root' OPENNIC_ROOT = '' OPENNIC_FILTER = ["..", "opennic.glue."] IANA_FILTERS = ['arpa.'] roots = None def get_generic_ip(fqdn): res = dns.resolver.Resolver() ans = res.query(fqdn, 'A') return ans.rrset.items[0].to_text() def get_iana_tlds(): tlds = requests.get(IANA_TLD_LIST).text.split("\n") return [t.lower()+'.' for t in tlds if len(t) > 0 and t[0] != "#"] def get_internic_roots(): global roots if roots is not None: return roots named_file = requests.get(INTERNIC_ROOT_FILE).text roots = [] for line in named_file.split("\n"): match = re.search(r"\s+A\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$", line) if match is None: continue roots.append(match.group(1)) return roots def get_iana_zone_master(zone): query = dns.message.make_query(zone, dns.rdatatype.NS) ans = dns.query.tcp(query, random.choice(get_internic_roots())) glue = {i.name.__str__(): i.items[0].address for i in ans.additional if i.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.A} auth = [i.to_text() for i in ans.authority[0].items] return [glue[i] for i in auth if i in glue] def opennic_ip_from_master(master): res = dns.resolver.Resolver() res.nameservers = [OPENNIC_ROOT] ans = res.query(master, 'A') return [i.to_text() for i in ans.rrset.items] def get_opennic_zone_master(zone): res = dns.resolver.Resolver() res.nameservers = [OPENNIC_ROOT] ans = res.query('{}.opennic.glue.'.format(zone.strip('.')), 'CNAME') masters = [t.strip('"') for t in ans.rrset.items[0].to_text().split(" ") if t.startswith('ns')] masters.append('ns0.opennic.glue.') master_ips = [opennic_ip_from_master(m) for m in masters] return [item for sublist in master_ips for item in sublist] def get_opennic_tlds(): res = dns.resolver.Resolver() res.nameservers = [OPENNIC_ROOT] ans = res.query('tlds.opennic.glue.', 'TXT') return [t.strip('"')+'.' for t in ans.rrset.items[0].to_text().split(" ")] def main(): entries = { "opennic.glue.": [OPENNIC_ROOT], } iana_tlds = get_iana_tlds() if len(iana_tlds) == 0: raise Exception("No IANA TLDs found") for tld in get_iana_tlds(): if tld in IANA_FILTERS: continue print("Working on IANA TLD '{}'...".format(tld)) entries[tld] = get_iana_zone_master(tld) opennic_tlds = get_opennic_tlds() if len(opennic_tlds) == 0: raise Exception("No OpenNIC TLDs found") for tld in get_opennic_tlds(): if tld in OPENNIC_FILTER: continue print("Working on OpenNIC TLD '{}'...".format(tld)) entries[tld] = get_opennic_zone_master(tld) with open('named.stubs', 'w') as f: f.write(render_corefile(entries)) def render_corefile(entries): template = jinja2.Template(open("named.stubs.j2").read()) return template.render(entries=entries) if __name__ == '__main__': main()