#!/bin/bash set -ex set -o pipefail # fix permissions due to netdata running as root chown -R root:root /usr/share/netdata/web/ echo -n "" > /usr/share/netdata/web/version.txt # set up ssmtp if [[ $SSMTP_TO ]] && [[ $SSMTP_USER ]] && [[ $SSMTP_PASS ]]; then cat << EOF > /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf root=$SSMTP_TO mailhub=$SSMTP_SERVER:$SSMTP_PORT AuthUser=$SSMTP_USER AuthPass=$SSMTP_PASS UseSTARTTLS=$SSMTP_TLS hostname=$SSMTP_HOSTNAME FromLineOverride=NO EOF cat << EOF > /etc/ssmtp/revaliases netdata:netdata@$SSMTP_HOSTNAME:$SSMTP_SERVER:$SSMTP_PORT root:netdata@$SSMTP_HOSTNAME:$SSMTP_SERVER:$SSMTP_PORT EOF fi if [[ $SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL ]]; then sed -i -e "s@SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=\"\"@SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=\"${SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL}\"@" /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf fi if [[ $SLACK_CHANNEL ]]; then sed -i -e "s@DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_SLACK=\"\"@DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_SLACK=\"${SLACK_CHANNEL}\"@" /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf fi if [[ $TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN ]]; then sed -i -e "s@TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=\"\"@TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=\"${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}\"@" /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf fi if [[ $TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID ]]; then sed -i -e "s@DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TELEGRAM=\"\"@DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TELEGRAM=\"${TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}\"@" /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf fi if [[ $PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN ]]; then sed -i -e "s@PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN=\"\"@PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN=\"${PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN}\"@" /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf fi if [[ $PUSHBULLET_DEFAULT_EMAIL ]]; then sed -i -e "s#DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHBULLET=\"\"#DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHBULLET=\"${PUSHBULLET_DEFAULT_EMAIL}\"#" /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf fi if [[ $NETDATA_IP ]]; then NETDATA_ARGS="${NETDATA_ARGS} -i ${NETDATA_IP}" fi # on a client netdata set this destination to be the [PROTOCOL:]HOST[:PORT] of the # central netdata, and give an API_KEY that is secret and only known internally # to the netdata clients, and netdata central if [[ $NETDATA_STREAM_DESTINATION ]] && [[ $NETDATA_STREAM_API_KEY ]]; then cat << EOF > /etc/netdata/stream.conf [stream] enabled = yes destination = $NETDATA_STREAM_DESTINATION api key = $NETDATA_STREAM_API_KEY EOF fi # set 1 or more NETADATA_API_KEY_ENABLE env variables, such as NETDATA_API_KEY_ENABLE_1h213ch12h3rc1289e=1 # that matches the API_KEY that you used on the client above, this will enable the netdata client # node to communicate with the netdata central if printenv | grep -q 'NETDATA_API_KEY_ENABLE_'; then printenv | grep -oe 'NETDATA_API_KEY_ENABLE_[^=]\+' | sed 's/NETDATA_API_KEY_ENABLE_//' | xargs -n1 -I{} echo '['{}$']\n\tenabled = yes' >> /etc/netdata/stream.conf fi # exec custom command if [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; then exec "$@" exit fi if [[ -d "/fakenet/" ]]; then echo "Running fakenet config reload in background" ( sleep 10 ; curl -s http://localhost:${NETDATA_PORT}/netdata.conf | sed -e 's/# filename/filename/g' | sed -e 's/\/host\/proc\/net/\/fakenet\/proc\/net/g' > /etc/netdata/netdata.conf ; pkill -9 netdata ) & /usr/sbin/netdata -D -u root -s /host -p ${NETDATA_PORT} # add some artificial sleep because netdata might think it can't bind to $NETDATA_PORT # and report things like "netdata: FATAL: Cannot listen on any socket. Exiting..." sleep 1 fi # Pull in overrides and additions for config and plugins [ -e /override/conf.d ] && rsync -arv /override/conf.d/ /etc/netdata/ for dir in charts.d node.d plugins.d python.d; do [ -e "/override/${dir}" ] && rsync -arv "/override/${dir}/" "/usr/libexec/netdata/${dir}/" done # main entrypoint exec /usr/sbin/netdata -D -u root -s /host -p ${NETDATA_PORT} ${NETDATA_ARGS}