Knut Ahlers c4e8ba8e26
Fix: Prevent breaking on container restart
Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
2020-05-27 09:38:22 +02:00

65 lines
1.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/with-contenv /bin/bash
set -euxo pipefail
[ -e /etc/jitsi/.configured ] && {
echo "Configuration was already applied, not re-applying"
exit 0
[ -n "${JITSI_DOMAIN:-}" ] || {
echo "Missing JITSI_DOMAIN env variable" >&2
exit 1
# Generate internal passwords
export JITSI_VBR_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 20)
export JITSI_JICOFO_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 20)
export JITSI_ADMIN_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 20)
# Generate configuration files
korvike \
-i "${cfg_file_path}/jitsi-meet.js" \
-o "/etc/jitsi/meet/config.js"
korvike \
-i "${cfg_file_path}/prosody.cfg.lua" \
-o "/etc/prosody/conf.d/${JITSI_DOMAIN}.cfg.lua"
korvike \
-i "${cfg_file_path}/nginx.conf" \
-o "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
korvike \
-i "${cfg_file_path}/startenv" \
-o "/etc/jitsi-env.conf"
# Generate certificates
echo | prosodyctl cert generate "${JITSI_DOMAIN}"
echo | prosodyctl cert generate "auth.${JITSI_DOMAIN}"
# Trust generated certificate
ln -sf /var/lib/prosody/auth.${JITSI_DOMAIN}.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/auth.${JITSI_DOMAIN}.crt
update-ca-certificates -f
# Generate user for admin
prosodyctl register focus "auth.${JITSI_DOMAIN}" "${JITSI_ADMIN_SECRET}"
# Overwrite UI files from mount
[ -d /ui/files ] && rsync -rv /ui/files/ /usr/share/jitsi-meet/
[ -d /ui/patches ] && {
pushd /usr/share/jitsi-meet
for patch_file in /ui/patches/*.patch; do
patch -b -i "${patch_file}" -p0
# Mark container as initialized not to overwrite config
# which would break the container as passwords would be
# re-issued
touch /etc/jitsi/.configured