Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/luzifer-aur/google-chrome-dev.git synced 2025-03-18 23:05:00 +00:00
2017-04-28 06:04:21 +03:00

31 lines
1.1 KiB

pkgbase = google-chrome-dev
pkgdesc = An attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser (Dev Channel)
pkgver = 60.0.3080.5
pkgrel = 1
url = https://www.google.com/chrome
install = google-chrome-dev.install
arch = x86_64
license = custom:chrome
depends = alsa-lib
depends = gconf
depends = gtk3
depends = libxss
depends = libxtst
depends = nss
optdepends = kdialog: needed for file dialogs in KDE
optdepends = gnome-keyring: for storing passwords in GNOME keyring
optdepends = kwallet: for storing passwords in KWallet
optdepends = ttf-liberation: fix fonts for some PDFs (CRBug #369991)
optdepends = xdg-utils
provides = google-chrome
options = !emptydirs
options = !strip
source = google-chrome-unstable_60.0.3080.5_amd64.deb::https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-unstable_current_amd64.deb
source = https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/privacy/eula_text.html
source = google-chrome-unstable.sh
md5sums = 6fd80532f26408a1be9f170e5ecc760f
md5sums = SKIP
md5sums = 11b55a3fec7279db32b63e3a0b97dc01
pkgname = google-chrome-dev