pkgbase = beekeeper-studio-bin pkgdesc = Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more pkgver = 4.1.13 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 arch = aarch64 license = MIT depends = libappindicator-gtk3 depends = libnotify depends = libsecret depends = libxss depends = libxslt depends = nodejs depends = nss depends = xdg-utils provides = beekeeper-studio conflicts = beekeeper-studio source = beekeeper-studio-4.1.13-license:: sha256sums = 1409fbbc5265c85da91684660c87f85d74c3fdc63a2d355169f40dac5cc7a078 source_x86_64 = sha256sums_x86_64 = 4ffdf74e11645ef091243c663404d4b128ed072046e944962875791564cce1fd source_aarch64 = sha256sums_aarch64 = 68da570a02b04be48e6a2e1c92d90eeddaf2eeab6aa2aa27835999aaede60ea1 pkgname = beekeeper-studio-bin